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Ban: noavailable@ingame.go.ro
Ban Details
  1. Ban ID 195822
  2. Ban Server ingame.go.ro
  3. Banned Player noavailable
  4. Ban Created
  5. Banned By maryusake91
  6. Reason after 24m in "imba #87" 5v5* on (02:06:43 AM Tuesday 19-May-2020 ) From: ingame | UA"
  7. Expiration
Appeal Details
Why should we unban you?

little kid marysake banned me twice for 2 days

yesterday for afk, when im went to WC after my death (even without any afk trigger or anything and muted immediately, as fucking rat), but unbanned in minutes, cuz his ass feeling some troubles
and also today, cuz...BA-DUM-TS!!! WITHOUT any reason, just he sucked all the game and decided its my fault (but no, just he is fu****g i**ot)
other admin asked that nab for ban reason, but kid replied he doing what he wants here
good game and well played, guys

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