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Ban: 9797asd@ingame.go.ro
Ban Details
  1. Ban ID 211548
  2. Ban Server ingame.go.ro
  3. Banned Player 9797asd
  4. Ban Created
  5. Banned By wehaveahulk
  6. Reason afk after 14m in "imba #27" 3*v5 on (05:08:17 PM Saturday 05-December-2020 ) From: ingame | UZ"
  7. Expiration
Appeal Details
Why should we unban you?


I had problems with the Internet. Why was the ban given? Where is the justice. Admins can leave the game. Nobody gives them a ban, corruption is everywhere, thanks for the attention(

Были проблемы с интернетом. Почему был дан запрет? Где справедливость. Админы могут выйти из игры. Никто им бан не дает, везде коррупция, спасибо за внимание)


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