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Ban: aptyp4ukkkk@ingame.go.ro
Ban Details
  1. Ban ID 214855
  2. Ban Server ingame.go.ro
  3. Banned Player aptyp4ukkkk
  4. Ban Created
  5. Banned By wehaveahulk
  6. Reason 3 x 2 rule after 1m in "imba #71" 5*v5 on (07:20:19 PM Friday 15-January-2021 ) From: ingame | RU"
  7. Expiration
Appeal Details
Why should we unban you?

Why did you ban me!?I came to the forest first and I choose where to stand, no one in the forest was not and I do not care that you did not have time to raise lvla with me and you do not have a peak for farming...just brain cancer in this admin...

Ты за что меня забанил!?я пришел в лес первый и мне выбирать где стоять,не кого в лесу не было и меня не волнует что ты не успел со мной лвла поднять и пик у тебя не для фарма...просто рак мозга у этого админа...


Appeal Comments
  1. wehaveahulk
  2. wehaveahulk
  3. wehaveahulk

    u started farming one 1 side and moved to the other side. You broke rules. Simple.

    New rules: How to farm, fake accounts. - Imba discussion - ingame.ro

    Farm rules:

    Three players for 3 neutral spots = group 1.

    Two players for 2 neutral  spots = group 2.

    Who come first will take the spot. 

    When a player starts killing a neutral in one group then it is forbidden to kill neutrals in the other group.  He must stay in the group where he started killing neutrals to avoid kick/ban.  

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