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Ban: sapayevamuxlisa@server.eurobattle.net
Ban Details
  1. Ban ID 144642
  2. Ban Server server.eurobattle.net
  3. Banned Player sapayevamuxlisa
  4. Ban Created
  5. Banned By AUTOBAN
  6. Reason Autobanned after 20m in "LoD IMBA *205" 4*v4 on (01:40:23 PM Tuesday 27-November-2018 ) Realm: XPAM | RU"
  7. Expiration
Appeal Details
Why should we unban you?

I had a personal problem in my house during the match and had to stop playing momentarily to solve, something that is very atypical for me. 
Unfortunately, I was unaware of the IMBA rules and did not know how the system worked. I would like to ask for a second and last chance to play IMBA, because I really enjoyed being banned because I saw for the first time a platform worth investing hours of fun due to its seriousness in meeting standards.
I apologize for any inconvenience and I say it will not happen again.
SapayevaMuxlisa my nick. thanks you!

Uchrashuv davomida o'z uyimda shaxsiy muammom bor edi va men bir vaqtning o'zida hal qilish uchun o'ynashni to'xtatishga majbur bo'ldim.
Afsuski, men IMBB qoidalari haqida bilmaganman va tizim qanday ishlashini bilmagan edim. Men IMBA ni o'ynash uchun ikkinchi va so'nggi imkoniyatni so'rashni istardim, chunki men birinchi marta standartlarga mos keladigan jiddiyligi sababli sarmoya soati tushadigan maydonchani ko'rganimdan men taqiqlanganimga juda xursand bo'ldim.
Har qanday noqulaylik uchun uzr so'rayman va bu yana sodir bo'lmaydi deb aytaman.

SapayevaMuxlisa mening hisobim. rahmat!

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