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Ban: itoprakl@ingame.go.ro
Ban Details
  1. Ban ID 296908
  2. Ban Server ingame.go.ro
  3. Banned Player itoprakl
  4. Ban Created
  5. Banned By soOnique2
  6. Reason after 4m in "IMBA #62" 4*v5 on (03:01:22 PM Monday 08-April-2024 ) From: ingame | TR"
  7. Expiration
Appeal Details
Why should we unban you?

fuck you idiot admin 

Appeal Comments
  1. IToprakl
    idoit admin and hard noob
  2. IToprakl
    You are in good shape. Why block my 
  3. IToprakl
    You are in good shape. Why block my scream?
  4. soOnique

    this want 3 spots for him. when i come he place 3 sentri in NC spawn.  can be extended ban for 4 says + insult?

  5. soOnique


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