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Ban Report: maryusake91 @ ingame.go.ro
  1. Report ID 1047
  2. Reported By shams.safo
  3. Report on
  4. Player maryusake91
  5. Game Link https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?app=sharedstats&module=stats&controller=recentGames&do=single&id=235124
  6. Reason Game Ruining
  7. Description

    This is absolutely outrageous. My teammates had good killing skills, i had aura with greed and i was rich. I started to give money to my teammates and made them very strong. They were kill easyly and suddenly maryusake started to kick my teammates and banning them saying they have noob rating and this is their fake accounts. I endep up alone and then I called maryusake moron and he banned and muted me. Somehow i managed to control all heroes and pushed middle alone and when i was destroying their throne without any chance of them retrieving maryusake kicked me. I could not download the replay because of some server error but i wrote down the game name. it was imba 235124. This is not the first time happening with this guy and I believe he should be permanently IP banned. In fact I am ready to pay 50 euros for this to happen and I am shure there would be a lot of people ready to chip in. I believe such guys should not be given the admin rights and also play a game. I hope for your understanding.

  8. Status Approved
  9. Handled By rde_xo4y_pa4y
  10. Handled On
  1. mariusake

    this is very wrong admin.  i kicked players because they are fake accounts, and mister hy6u3maht   ban for bad language. ra4y_rde_xo4y Do you ban without check?

    megumi, see u in game if u dare to play that nick, little rat.

  2. rde_xo4y_pa4y


  3. SevenPososiHyi

    Админ?ахаха не стоит сравнивать админов и это ничтожество...это обычная ручная сучка стулы....ничего от админа у этого существа нету,тупо под себя играет и беспредельничает.

  4. MeGuMi


    absolutely agree, this is the most inadequate stupid admin !!!

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