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Ban Report: ferrochrome @ ingame.go.ro
  1. Report ID 3889
  2. Reported By ssbbssc
  3. Report on
  4. Player ferrochrome
  5. Game Link https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?app=sharedstats&module=stats&controller=recentGames&do=single&id=320227
  6. Reason Game Ruining
  7. Description

    Данный игрок оскорблял меня и критиковал мой стиль игры всю партию. Мне это надоело, я сказал, что мне насрать на него и его мнение, и сразу меня кикнули, с попыткой после забанить якобы "за лив" Просьба снять админку с неадеквата


    This player insulted me and criticized my style of play the whole game. I got tired of it and said that I didn't give a shit about him and his opinion, and he immediately kicked me, then attempted to ban me ""for leaving. Please remove the admin panel from that inadequate creature

  8. Status Rejected
  9. Handled By Ferrochrome1990
  10. Handled On
  1. Ferrochrome1990


  2. ssbbssc


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