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Ban Report: d0tt88 @ ingame.go.ro
  1. Report ID 6106
  2. Reported By WARP
  3. Report on
  4. Player d0tt88
  5. Game Link https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?app=sharedstats&module=stats&controller=recentGames&do=single&id=378866
  6. Reason Game Ruining
  7. Description

    Kick player not according to the rules of the server.

  8. Status Approved
  9. Handled By Madara
  10. Handled On
  1. d0tt88

    Did you watch the replay? NO. 
    You did not. You literally banned me for kicking that guy but you did not watch the replay. You can see in the replay that I've pinged him 10 times to go to the big creeps. He had Stryg + Magnus so farming the big creeps would have been very easy for him. THAT IS GAME RUINING.
    You ban me for this? 95% of the users on this platform are literally idiots that do not listen at all and have shit for brains just like that user.

    We have 2 spots and a big creep spot, and he literally farms the small spots with me, when he can easily go to the big creeps spot. If that is not game ruining what is? Please explain to me.

  2. d0tt88

    If you ban me, why don't you ban WARP for leaving the game?

  3. Madara


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