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Game name: Imba 483175
2024-07-01 17:33:17


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
3 soon 1 1 4 777 403 2 15 0 0 0 Leaver 6:50
20 gamer69 6 8 4 2986 819 14 32 0 0 0 Left at 29:16
17 beka_1050 2 8 6 1841 1365 139 62 0 0 0 Left at 29:20
14 karywkyr-_- 0 23 3 1176 939 57 2 1 0 0 Left at 29:19
17 mekatronika 4 3 6 2194 754 26 110 1 2 0 Left at 17:05, and was autobanned


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
26 linaplayer2020 8 5 7 3371 709 17 43 1 0 0 Left at 29:17
33 5111119 24 1 5 4491 780 109 60 0 6 3 Left at 29:18
23 galaxy 2 4 3 1936 1316 61 126 0 1 1 Left at 29:17
20 eco 4 3 0 2601 923 53 99 0 0 0 Left at 29:18
25 st1z 6 2 14 5509 1144 69 95 0 0 0 Left at 29:28

Event Logs

Lobby Log

00:48 [Ing]: ntusm@iccup UZ Sirdaryo Yangiyer [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [791] - Leaver [0] - Win: 32.3% - KD: 2.3/5.3 - Top #191
00:48 [Ing]: ntusm: 0 KB/s (0% )
00:58 [Ing]: ntusm: 250 KB/s (30% ETA: 23 s )
01:08 [Ing]: ntusm: 269 KB/s (65% ETA: 11 s )
01:18 [Ing]: ntusm: 274 KB/s (100% )
01:18 [Ing]: Player [ntusm] downloaded the map in 30.0 seconds (272.8 KB/sec).
02:28 [Ing]: javlonbek19kt@iccup UZ Samarqand [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [75] - Leaver [0] - Win: 10.7% - KD: 1.1/6.3 - Top #106
05:01 [Ing]: gamer69@iccup RU Tverskaya oblast' Tver' [3.04 • Good] - Games [1518] - Leaver [0] - Win: 48.6% - KD: 8.3/6.1 - Top #11
05:13 GaMeR69 !p
05:41 [Ing]: linaplayer2020@ingame[G] UZ Namangan Haqqulobod Shahri [4.39 • GOD] - Games [9127] - Leaver [0] - Win: 48.5% - KD: 6.8/6.8 - Top #21
05:42 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
05:58 [Ing]: 5111119@ingame[G] RU Moskva Moscow [3.53 • Pro] - Games [5910] - Leaver [0] - Win: 52.2% - KD: 6.7/6.9 - Top #27
06:10 [Ing]: beka_1050@iccup KZ Almaty oblysy Kaskelen [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [160] - Leaver [0] - Win: 30.4% - KD: 2.2/5.3 - Top #113
06:11 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
06:11 [Ing]: Autokicking player [linaplayer2020] for excessive ping of 1450.
06:13 [Ing]: st1z@iccup UZ Toshkent Tashkent [2.97 • Feeder] - Games [144] - Leaver [0] - Win: 40.8% - KD: 4.0/9.0 - Top #139
06:14 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
06:46 [Ing]: galaxy@ingame[G] UZ Samarqand [3.51 • Pro] - Games [8296] - Leaver [0] - Win: 52.9% - KD: 5.5/4.2 - Top #1
06:50 [Ing]: Abdulaziz9478 is trying to join the game but is banned by eco., after 8m in " IMBA #93" 4*v5 on (04:50:32 PM Monday 01-July-2024 ) Realm: iccup | UZ"
06:53 [Ing]: soon@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Tashkent [5.50 • Imba GOD] - Games [596] - Leaver [0] - Win: 45.2% - KD: 7.5/6.4 - Top #1
06:54 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
07:01 GaMeR69 !p
07:18 [Ing]: karywkyr-_-@iccup KG Bishkek Shaary Bishkek [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [12] - Leaver [0] - Win: 36.4% - KD: 1.2/9.2 - Top #40
07:22 [Ing]: mekatronika@iccup ID Jawa Timur Bojonegoro [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [42] - Leaver [0] - Win: 14.3% - KD: 1.6/7.5 - Top #220
07:23 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
07:24 [Ing]: linaplayer2020@ingame[G] UZ Buxoro Bukhara [4.39 • GOD] - Games [9127] - Leaver [0] - Win: 48.5% - KD: 6.8/6.8 - Top #21
07:29 [Ing]: eco@ingame[G] GB England Silvertown [2.98 • Very Noob] - Games [19197] - Leaver [0] - Win: 50.1% - KD: 5.3/3.9 - Top #235
07:29 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
07:30 [Ing]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: karywkyr-_-, mekatronika
07:35 eco !start
07:35 [Ing]: Sentinel-SooN 5.50-GaMeR69 3.04-beka_1050 2.95-karywkyr-_- 2.95-mekatronika 2.95 Avg: 3.48
07:35 [Ing]: Scourge-linaplayer2020 4.39-5111119 3.53-GalaxY 3.51-eco 2.98-st1z 2.97 Avg: 3.48
07:35 [Ing]: 10. . .
07:35 [Ing]: 9. . .
07:36 [Ing]: 8. . .
07:36 [Ing]: 7. . .
07:37 [Ing]: 6. . .
07:37 [Ing]: 5. . .
07:38 [Ing]: 4. . .
07:38 [Ing]: 3. . .
07:39 [Ing]: 2. . .
07:39 [Ing]: 1. . .
Game Lobby Started

Game Log

00:00 [Ing]: Longest load by player [5111119] was 12.11 seconds.
00:01 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: linaplayer2020 -clear
00:04 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco -eb
00:04 [Ing]: Scourge-linaplayer2020 4.39-5111119 3.53-GalaxY 3.51-eco 2.98-st1z 2.97 Avg: 3.48
00:04 [Ing]: Sentinel-SooN 5.50-GaMeR69 3.04-beka_1050 2.95-karywkyr-_- 2.95-mekatronika 2.95 Avg: 3.48
00:05 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mekatronika -eb
00:41 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: GalaxY -cam 2
01:02 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco arow
01:52 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: 5111119 arrow
02:04 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: st1z яфчем
02:23 [Ing]: SooN has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
02:49 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco !sync 987987
02:49 [Ing]: Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
02:49 [Ing]: Setting sync limit to 1000 packets.
02:49 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco !sync 1000
02:49 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 !P
02:49 [Ing]: The sync limit is 500 packets.
02:49 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco !sync
05:50 [Ing]: SooN has been kicked because he didn t reconnect in time.
05:50 [Ing]: SooN has been kicked because he didn t reconnect in time.
06:09 beka_1050 killed eco
06:41 linaplayer2020 killed st1z
06:50 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco magnus ursa
06:53 eco killed gamer69
07:16 the Sentinel killed karywkyr-_-
07:28 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: 5111119 отомстили
07:31 beka_1050 killed st1z
07:42 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco charge alche
08:46 [Ing]: linaplayer2020 has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
08:48 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco !sync 500
08:48 [Ing]: Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
09:09 linaplayer2020 killed the SCOURGE bottom level 1 tower.
09:10 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: 5111119 ty
09:14 [Ing]: Player [linaplayer2020] reconnected with GProxy++!
09:48 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: st1z гнвгш
09:49 [Ing]: Player [linaplayer2020] reconnected with GProxy++!
09:52 the Sentinel killed karywkyr-_-
09:53 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: st1z уйди
10:20 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: GalaxY kuda?
10:21 beka_1050 killed 5111119
10:27 eco killed karywkyr-_-
11:12 eco killed karywkyr-_-
12:01 beka_1050 killed 5111119
12:17 linaplayer2020 killed the SCOURGE bottom level 2 tower.
12:25 the Sentinel killed karywkyr-_-
12:41 linaplayer2020 killed eco
12:41 linaplayer2020 killed st1z
12:51 eco killed gamer69
12:55 eco killed karywkyr-_-
13:18 eco killed the SENTINEL top level 2 tower.
13:19 eco killed mekatronika
13:23 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: eco gj
13:25 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 ktjy
13:29 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 леон
13:36 eco killed karywkyr-_-
14:08 eco killed gamer69
14:13 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: linaplayer2020 urrot
14:15 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 сларк
14:26 eco killed mekatronika
14:27 galaxy killed beka_1050
14:30 eco killed karywkyr-_-
14:33 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- -аа
14:37 [All]: karywkyr-_- -ff
14:38 [Ing]: 1/4 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (4/4 needed to pass).
14:38 [Ing]: [GaMeR69] has voted to forfeit.
14:38 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 !фф
14:40 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- -ff
14:49 [Ing]: 2/4 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (4/4 needed to pass).
14:49 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- !ff
14:49 [Ing]: [karywkyr-_-] has voted to forfeit.
15:00 [All]: beka_1050 D
15:33 eco killed karywkyr-_-
15:56 galaxy killed gamer69
16:07 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 сларк
16:18 galaxy killed mekatronika
16:19 the Sentinel killed karywkyr-_-
17:05 [Ing]: mekatronika has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host).
17:05 eco killed the SENTINEL mid level 1 tower.
17:10 galaxy killed gamer69
17:12 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 !фф
17:17 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 пишите
17:18 st1z killed beka_1050
17:19 st1z killed karywkyr-_-
17:33 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- !ff
17:37 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- -ff
18:06 beka_1050 killed eco
18:16 the Scourge killed karywkyr-_-
18:56 galaxy killed gamer69
19:02 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 да пишите вы хзули тяните
19:07 galaxy killed beka_1050
19:08 the Scourge killed karywkyr-_-
19:10 eco killed the SENTINEL mid level 2 tower.
19:31 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- !ff
19:51 eco killed karywkyr-_-
20:00 [All]: GalaxY kuda
20:12 [Ing]: Player [GaMeR69]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
20:17 st1z killed the SENTINEL bottom level 2 tower.
20:26 karywkyr-_- killed 5111119
20:30 eco killed the SENTINEL mid level 3 tower.
21:01 galaxy killed gamer69
21:04 [Ing]: 2/3 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (3/3 needed to pass).
21:04 [Ing]: [GaMeR69] has voted to forfeit.
21:04 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 !фф
21:08 eco killed beka_1050
21:10 eco killed karywkyr-_-
21:22 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- !фф
21:27 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- !фф
21:31 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: karywkyr-_- -фф
21:38 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: GaMeR69 !vk beka
22:39 eco killed karywkyr-_-
22:46 eco killed beka_1050
23:16 beka_1050 killed eco
23:35 eco killed karywkyr-_-
24:05 [Ing]: Player [GaMeR69]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
24:11 eco killed karywkyr-_-
24:13 eco killed beka_1050
24:27 [Ing]: Player [karywkyr-_-]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
24:44 eco killed the SENTINEL mid level 4 tower.
25:09 eco killed karywkyr-_-
25:19 the Scourge killed beka_1050
25:35 eco killed the SENTINEL mid level 4 tower.
25:41 The Scourge damaged the Tree of life. The tree has only 75% life left.
25:47 [Ing]: [STATS IMBA][INFO] Player [karywkyr-_-] got marked as feeder, you may votekick him.
25:47 eco killed karywkyr-_-
26:23 karywkyr-_- killed galaxy
27:35 galaxy killed karywkyr-_-
28:22 eco killed karywkyr-_-
28:56 eco killed karywkyr-_-
29:04 the Scourge killed beka_1050
29:07 eco killed gamer69
29:10 The Scourge damaged the Tree of life. The tree has only 50% life left.
29:14 The Scourge damaged the Tree of life. The tree has only 25% life left.
29:15 The Scourge damaged the Tree of life. The tree has only 10% life left.
29:16 [Ing]: Game over!
The Scourge has won the game.
29:16 [Ing]: GaMeR69 has left the game voluntarily.
29:17 [Ing]: GalaxY has left the game voluntarily.
29:17 [Ing]: linaplayer2020 has left the game voluntarily.
29:18 [Ing]: eco has left the game voluntarily.
29:18 [Ing]: 5111119 has left the game voluntarily.
29:19 [Ing]: karywkyr-_- has left the game voluntarily.
29:20 [Ing]: beka_1050 has left the game voluntarily.
Game Finished
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