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Game name: Imba 483885
2024-07-07 15:24:49


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
7 txopjiexa 0 1 0 1053 839 37 6 0 0 0 Left at 9:16
8 shakhob595 0 0 0 1148 605 7 32 0 0 0 Left at 9:15
15 helper2018 7 1 0 1252 468 51 41 12 3 0 Left at 9:15
13 amcaaa 0 0 0 1778 868 0 85 0 0 0 Left at 9:15
8 morze7x 5 1 0 1189 709 1 34 0 0 0 Left at 9:27


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
6 deep 0 4 0 777 299 3 22 0 0 0 Left at 9:14
6 bara0000 2 3 0 606 637 25 17 0 0 0 Left at 9:16
6 allskip 0 2 0 853 260 0 32 0 0 0 Left at 9:14
7 qwert 1 4 0 872 312 1 18 0 0 0 Left at 9:14
5 atatapewpew 0 1 2 587 744 5 0 0 0 0 Left at 9:15

Event Logs

Lobby Log

00:01 [Ing]: txopjiexa@ingame[G] RU Rostovskaya oblast' Novoshakhtinsk [4.22 • GOD] - Games [10801] - Leaver [1] - Win: 53.2% - KD: 9.1/5.0 - Top #114
00:01 [Ing]: atatapewpew@ingame[G] UA Kyiv Kiev [2.98 • Very Noob] - Games [1552] - Leaver [0] - Win: 51.5% - KD: 5.3/5.8 - Top #138
00:02 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
00:03 [Ing]: deep@ingame[G] RU Khabarovskiy kray Khabarovsk [5.28 • Imba GOD] - Games [7968] - Leaver [2] - Win: 51.7% - KD: 7.8/5.5 - Top #487
00:04 [Ing]: deep: 0 KB/s (0% )
00:14 [Ing]: deep: 15 KB/s (1% ETA: 1055 s )
00:19 [Ing]: shakhob595@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Tashkent [4.17 • GOD] - Games [4935] - Leaver [7] - Win: 52.9% - KD: 6.6/4.5 - Top #12
00:19 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
00:27 [Ing]: deep: 7 KB/s (2% ETA: 1188 s )
00:40 [Ing]: morze7x@iccup KR Seoul-teukbyeolsi Seoul [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [180] - Leaver [0] - Win: 35.8% - KD: 2.9/8.4 - Top #959
00:40 [Ing]: deep: 6 KB/s (2% ETA: 1614 s ), MORZE7x: 0 KB/s (0% )
00:48 [Ing]: astananan_rak@iccup UZ Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi Nukus [2.99 • Noob] - Games [213] - Leaver [2] - Win: 32.7% - KD: 4.2/5.7 - Top #360
00:49 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
00:50 [Ing]: deep: 6 KB/s (2% ETA: 1614 s ), MORZE7x: 176 KB/s (21% ETA: 37 s )
00:54 [Ing]: danya_bar0n@iccup RU Moskovskaya oblast' Podol'sk [2.99 • Noob] - Games [1894] - Leaver [2] - Win: 49.3% - KD: 5.8/6.2 - Top #52
00:58 [Ing]: sardorbek123@iccup UZ Buxoro Bukhara [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [30] - Leaver [2] - Win: 6.7% - KD: 1.2/3.8 - Top #301
00:59 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:00 [Ing]: deep: 6 KB/s (2% ETA: 1614 s ), MORZE7x: 184 KB/s (44% ETA: 25 s ), sardorbek123: 337 KB/s (5% ETA: 23 s )
01:10 [Ing]: MORZE7x: 186 KB/s (67% ETA: 15 s ), sardorbek123: 508 KB/s (69% ETA: 5 s )
01:13 [Ing]: helper2018@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Yangiyul [4.03 • GOD] - Games [927] - Leaver [2] - Win: 52.3% - KD: 9.0/5.1 - Top #74
01:14 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:15 [Ing]: Player [sardorbek123] downloaded the map in 16.4 seconds (497.7 KB/sec).
01:20 [Ing]: MORZE7x: 183 KB/s (89% ETA: 5 s )
01:25 [Ing]: Player [MORZE7x] downloaded the map in 45.1 seconds (181.4 KB/sec).
01:30 helper2018 !t shakh
01:34 shakhob595 !T
01:34 [Ing]: Player [shakhob595] added to [helper2018]'s team.
01:49 [Ing]: deep@ingame[G] RU Khabarovskiy kray Khabarovsk [5.28 • Imba GOD] - Games [7968] - Leaver [2] - Win: 51.7% - KD: 7.8/5.5 - Top #487
01:49 [Ing]: deep: 0 KB/s (0% )
01:50 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:59 [Ing]: deep: 22 KB/s (2% ETA: 476 s )
02:09 [Ing]: deep: 20 KB/s (5% ETA: 379 s )
02:10 [Ing]: allskip@ingame[G] UZ Namangan Haqqulobod Shahri [3.49 • Pro] - Games [4028] - Leaver [4] - Win: 46.7% - KD: 6.3/5.2 - Top #26
02:19 [Ing]: deep: 21 KB/s (7% ETA: 399 s ), allskip: 59 KB/s (6% ETA: 135 s )
02:29 [Ing]: deep: 23 KB/s (11% ETA: 321 s ), allskip: 40 KB/s (9% ETA: 185 s )
02:30 [Ing]: best..uz@iccup UZ Toshkent Tashkent [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [32] - Leaver [0] - Win: 42.9% - KD: 2.0/5.5 - Top #974
02:31 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
02:39 [Ing]: deep: 22 KB/s (13% ETA: 332 s ), allskip: 50 KB/s (17% ETA: 138 s ), best..uz: 427 KB/s (43% ETA: 11 s )
02:40 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: deep, allskip, best..uz
02:49 [Ing]: deep: 21 KB/s (15% ETA: 338 s ), allskip: 60 KB/s (28% ETA: 98 s ), best..uz: 448 KB/s (100% )
02:49 [Ing]: Player [best..uz] downloaded the map in 18.3 seconds (446.6 KB/sec).
02:50 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: deep, allskip
03:00 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: deep, allskip
03:10 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: deep, allskip
03:20 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: deep, allskip
03:24 [Ing]: bara0000@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Yangiyul [3.56 • Pro] - Games [3048] - Leaver [1] - Win: 45.9% - KD: 6.9/7.2 - Top #53
03:27 [Ing]: bara0000@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Yangiyul [3.56 • Pro] - Games [3048] - Leaver [1] - Win: 45.9% - KD: 6.9/7.2 - Top #53
03:27 [Ing]: deep: 20 KB/s (17% ETA: 342 s ), bara0000: 0 KB/s (0% )
03:31 [Ing]: deep@ingame[G] RU Krasnodarskiy kray Krasnodar [5.28 • Imba GOD] - Games [7968] - Leaver [2] - Win: 51.7% - KD: 7.8/5.5 - Top #487
03:33 [Ing]: qwert@ingame[G] UZ Namangan Haqqulobod Shahri [2.99 • Noob] - Games [26] - Leaver [0] - Win: 65.4% - KD: 5.3/4.3 - Top #47
03:34 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
03:37 [Ing]: bara0000: 436 KB/s (48% ETA: 10 s ), deep: 412 KB/s (24% ETA: 16 s ), qwert: 398 KB/s (15% ETA: 17 s )
03:40 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: deep, bara0000, qwert
03:42 [Ing]: amcaaa@ingame[G] GB Northern Ireland Belfast [2.97 • Feeder] - Games [12224] - Leaver [3] - Win: 52.1% - KD: 5.6/6.8 - Top #6
03:43 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
03:46 [Ing]: Player [bara0000] downloaded the map in 18.5 seconds (441.2 KB/sec).
03:47 [Ing]: deep: 463 KB/s (84% ETA: 3 s ), qwert: 448 KB/s (71% ETA: 5 s ), amcaaa: 974 KB/s (52% ETA: 4 s )
03:49 [Ing]: Player [deep] downloaded the map in 17.7 seconds (463.1 KB/sec).
03:50 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: amcaaa, qwert
03:50 [Ing]: Player [amcaaa] downloaded the map in 8.2 seconds (991.5 KB/sec).
03:52 [Ing]: Player [qwert] downloaded the map in 18.4 seconds (444.6 KB/sec).
03:54 [Ing]: Player [allskip] added to [qwert]'s team.
03:54 [Ing]: Same IPs: [allskip], qwert
03:54 [Ing]: allskip@ingame[G] UZ Namangan Haqqulobod Shahri [3.49 • Pro] - Games [4028] - Leaver [4] - Win: 46.7% - KD: 6.3/5.2 - Top #26
03:57 [Ing]: allskip: 354 KB/s (11% ETA: 22 s )
04:00 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: allskip
04:07 [Ing]: allskip: 430 KB/s (66% ETA: 7 s )
04:10 [Ing]: Players still downloading the map: allskip
04:12 [Ing]: Player [allskip] downloaded the map in 18.6 seconds (438.4 KB/sec).
04:20 [Ing]: Sentinel-txopjiexa 4.22-shakhob595 4.17-helper2018 4.03-amcaaa 2.97-MORZE7x 2.95 Avg: 3.67
04:20 [Ing]: Scourge-deep 5.28-bara0000 3.56-allskip 3.49-qwert 2.99-aTaTaPewPew 2.98 Avg: 3.66
04:20 [Ing]: 10. . .
04:20 [Ing]: 9. . .
04:21 [Ing]: 8. . .
04:21 [Ing]: 7. . .
04:22 [Ing]: 6. . .
04:22 [Ing]: 5. . .
04:22 deep че там, новые баги завезли
04:23 [Ing]: 4. . .
04:23 [Ing]: 3. . .
04:24 [Ing]: 2. . .
04:24 [Ing]: 1. . .
Game Lobby Started

Game Log

00:00 [Ing]: [helper2018]'s team: shakhob595
00:00 [Ing]: [qwert]'s team: allskip
00:00 [Ing]: Longest load by player [bara0000] was 9.21 seconds.
00:03 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: aTaTaPewPew -cam 1.7
00:03 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: aTaTaPewPew -eb
00:04 [Ing]: Scourge-deep 5.28-bara0000 3.56-allskip 3.49-qwert 2.99-aTaTaPewPew 2.98 Avg: 3.66
00:04 [Ing]: Sentinel-txopjiexa 4.22-shakhob595 4.17-helper2018 4.03-amcaaa 2.97-MORZE7x 2.95 Avg: 3.67
00:05 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: bara0000 -cam 1.3
00:28 [Ing]: Player [allskip] reconnected with GProxy++!
00:45 [Ing]: Player [allskip] reconnected with GProxy++!
00:45 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: helper2018 -cam 2.1
00:46 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: helper2018 -don
00:49 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: helper2018 -hhn
02:05 deep killed allskip
02:06 deep killed atatapewpew
02:06 deep killed qwert
02:09 [All]: bara0000 Eza
02:16 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 NAX SNAKE
02:41 deep killed atatapewpew
03:22 deep killed allskip
03:27 [Ing]: shakhob595 has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
03:27 [Ing]: Player [shakhob595] reconnected with GProxy++!
03:38 amcaaa killed atatapewpew
04:16 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip вард
04:19 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 !P
04:24 amcaaa killed the SCOURGE mid level 1 tower.
04:37 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 YANA QOTYAPTI
04:50 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: helper2018 manda qotmayapti lekn
05:05 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip +
05:18 [Ing]: allskip has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
05:18 [Ing]: Player [allskip] reconnected with GProxy++!
05:30 amcaaa killed the Sentinel
05:31 amcaaa killed bara0000
05:32 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep чи
05:33 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep р
05:33 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep уави
05:33 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep оц5ычию
05:59 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip +
06:00 amcaaa killed the SCOURGE top level 1 tower.
06:03 [Ing]: allskip has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
06:03 [Ing]: Player [allskip] reconnected with GProxy++!
06:07 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: bara0000 GG
06:18 qwert killed morze7x
06:23 amcaaa killed bara0000
06:26 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep ьвф
06:31 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep !ff
06:34 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: bara0000 !FF
06:38 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: bara0000 7 MINUTES
06:41 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip !аа
06:42 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip !фф
06:45 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep мщшв дгтф ьфптгы
06:51 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep void luna magn
06:59 the Sentinel killed txopjiexa
07:07 amcaaa killed the SCOURGE top level 2 tower.
07:28 amcaaa killed qwert
07:37 amcaaa killed atatapewpew
07:58 qwert killed helper2018
08:07 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip !аа
08:08 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip !фф
08:43 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep !ff
08:43 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip !фф
08:54 amcaaa killed allskip
09:03 [Ing]: 1/5 players on the Scourge have voted to forfeit (5/5 needed to pass).
09:03 [Ing]: [allskip] has voted to forfeit.
09:03 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip !фф
09:06 [Ing]: [deep] has voted to forfeit.
09:06 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep !ff
09:06 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip го фф
09:06 [Ing]: 2/5 players on the Scourge have voted to forfeit (5/5 needed to pass).
09:06 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: deep !ff
09:06 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: qwert !аа
09:07 [Ing]: 3/5 players on the Scourge have voted to forfeit (5/5 needed to pass).
09:07 [Ing]: [aTaTaPewPew] has voted to forfeit.
09:07 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: aTaTaPewPew !ff
09:09 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: allskip зб
09:09 [Ing]: 4/5 players on the Scourge have voted to forfeit (5/5 needed to pass).
09:09 [Ing]: [bara0000] has voted to forfeit.
09:09 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: bara0000 !ff
09:13 [Ing]: The Scourge has forfeited
09:13 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: qwert !ff
09:13 [Ing]: Wait ten seconds before leaving or stats will not be properly recorded!
09:13 [Ing]: Game over!
09:14 [Ing]: qwert has left the game voluntarily.
09:14 [Ing]: allskip has left the game voluntarily.
09:14 [Ing]: deep has left the game voluntarily.
09:15 [Ing]: aTaTaPewPew has left the game voluntarily.
09:15 [Ing]: helper2018 has left the game voluntarily.
09:15 [Ing]: shakhob595 has left the game voluntarily.
09:15 [Ing]: amcaaa has left the game voluntarily.
09:16 [Ing]: txopjiexa has left the game voluntarily.
09:16 [Ing]: bara0000 has left the game voluntarily.
09:17 [Ing]: Please wait five or so seconds before leaving so that stats can be properly saved.
09:18 [Ing]: 10. . .
09:18 [Ing]: 9. . .
09:19 [Ing]: 8. . .
09:19 [Ing]: 7. . .
09:20 [Ing]: 6. . .
09:20 [Ing]: 5. . .
09:21 [Ing]: 4. . .
09:21 [Ing]: 3. . .
09:22 [Ing]: 2. . .
09:22 [Ing]: 1. . .
Game Finished
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