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Game name: Imba 483898
2024-07-07 16:43:55


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
10 shakhob595 0 3 3 1328 494 6 33 0 0 0 Left at 15:41
13 jony_9595 3 4 1 1195 559 31 8 0 0 0 Left at 15:40
8 danya_bar0n 3 2 4 929 364 0 68 0 0 0 Kicked at 9:12
9 rampageek 0 2 1 1024 312 21 24 0 0 0 Leaver 12:54
16 amcaaa 4 2 0 1585 683 12 51 0 0 0 Left at 15:43


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
19 helper2018 7 1 0 1613 520 70 90 1 0 0 Left at 15:42
15 mitrut 3 3 2 1746 507 21 36 0 0 0 Left at 15:44
14 urankhai 2 1 0 1917 962 18 49 0 0 0 Left at 15:45
11 pes_patron2 0 3 1 739 611 9 49 0 0 0 Left at 15:09
8 atatapewpew 0 3 1 1338 722 6 21 0 0 0 Left at 15:43

Event Logs

Lobby Log

00:13 [Ing]: urankhai@ingame[G] RU Saha, Respublika Yakutsk [2.97 • Feeder] - Games [1082] - Leaver [1] - Win: 49.8% - KD: 5.4/6.3 - Top #790
00:17 [Ing]: helper2018@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Yangiyul [3.96 • Pro] - Games [930] - Leaver [2] - Win: 52.2% - KD: 9.0/5.1 - Top #105
00:18 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
00:18 [Ing]: jony_9595@ingame[G] UZ Buxoro Bukhara [3.16 • Good] - Games [4168] - Leaver [2] - Win: 52.4% - KD: 5.3/5.0 - Top #8
00:19 [Ing]: amcaaa@ingame[G] GB Northern Ireland Belfast [2.97 • Feeder] - Games [12226] - Leaver [3] - Win: 52.1% - KD: 5.6/6.8 - Top #7
00:20 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
00:20 [Ing]: shakhob595@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Tashkent [4.07 • GOD] - Games [4939] - Leaver [8] - Win: 52.9% - KD: 6.6/4.5 - Top #12
00:28 helper2018 !t shakh
00:31 shakhob595 !T
00:31 [Ing]: Player [shakhob595] added to [helper2018]'s team.
00:35 [Ing]: danya_bar0n@iccup RU Moskovskaya oblast' Podol'sk [2.99 • Noob] - Games [1894] - Leaver [2] - Win: 49.3% - KD: 5.8/6.2 - Top #52
00:36 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
00:50 [Ing]: atatapewpew@ingame[G] UA Kyiv Kiev [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [1555] - Leaver [0] - Win: 51.4% - KD: 5.3/5.8 - Top #447
01:09 [Ing]: pes_patron2@iccup UA Kyiv Kiev [2.96 • Stupid] - Games [205] - Leaver [0] - Win: 37.2% - KD: 4.2/8.1 - Top #164
01:10 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:12 [Ing]: dagilev91@iccup RU Samarskaya oblast' Samara [2.97 • Feeder] - Games [5] - Leaver [0] - Win: 40.0% - KD: 3.2/4.4 - Top #614
01:13 [Ing]: astananan_rak@iccup UZ Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi Nukus [2.99 • Noob] - Games [213] - Leaver [2] - Win: 32.7% - KD: 4.2/5.7 - Top #359
01:14 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:14 [Ing]: mitrut@ingame[G] RO Timis Cenei [3.87 • Pro] - Games [14509] - Leaver [0] - Win: 53.5% - KD: 6.5/6.0 - Top #82
01:14 [Ing]: mitrut: 0 KB/s (0% )
01:15 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:16 [Ing]: Player [mitrut] downloaded the map in 1.9 seconds (4259.3 KB/sec).
01:18 [Ing]: rampageek@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Tashkent [2.99 • Noob] - Games [4910] - Leaver [0] - Win: 49.7% - KD: 7.6/5.5 - Top #684
01:20 [Ing]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: pes_patron2
01:30 [Ing]: Unable to start game: Score difference over 0.120! All teams will be disbanded in 10 seconds!
01:30 [Ing]: Sentinel-shakhob595 4.07-helper2018 3.96-urankhai 2.97-pes_patron2 2.96-aTaTaPewPew 2.95 Avg: 3.38
01:30 [Ing]: Scourge-mitrut 3.87-jony_9595 3.16-Danya_Bar0n 2.99-Rampageek 2.99-amcaaa 2.97 Avg: 3.20
01:40 [Ing]: Unable to start game: Score difference over 0.120! All teams will be disbanded in 10 seconds!
01:40 [Ing]: Sentinel-shakhob595 4.07-helper2018 3.96-urankhai 2.97-pes_patron2 2.96-aTaTaPewPew 2.95 Avg: 3.38
01:40 [Ing]: Scourge-mitrut 3.87-jony_9595 3.16-Danya_Bar0n 2.99-Rampageek 2.99-amcaaa 2.97 Avg: 3.20
01:50 [Ing]: Unable to start game: Score difference over 0.120! All teams will be disbanded in 10 seconds!
01:50 [Ing]: Sentinel-shakhob595 4.07-helper2018 3.96-urankhai 2.97-pes_patron2 2.96-aTaTaPewPew 2.95 Avg: 3.38
01:50 [Ing]: Scourge-mitrut 3.87-jony_9595 3.16-Danya_Bar0n 2.99-Rampageek 2.99-amcaaa 2.97 Avg: 3.20
01:50 [Ing]: The game has been unable to start due to team score difference for more than 10 seconds.
01:50 [Ing]: All teams has been disbanded! You can use !team to remake your team.
01:50 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:50 [Ing]: The game will start in a few seconds . You can use !team to invite your friends to your team.
02:00 [Ing]: Sentinel-helper2018 3.96-mitrut 3.87-urankhai 2.97-pes_patron2 2.96-aTaTaPewPew 2.95 Avg: 3.34
02:00 [Ing]: Scourge-shakhob595 4.07-jony_9595 3.16-Danya_Bar0n 2.99-Rampageek 2.99-amcaaa 2.97 Avg: 3.24
02:00 [Ing]: 10. . .
02:00 [Ing]: 9. . .
02:01 [Ing]: 8. . .
02:01 [Ing]: 7. . .
02:02 [Ing]: 6. . .
02:02 [Ing]: 5. . .
02:03 [Ing]: 4. . .
02:03 [Ing]: 3. . .
02:04 [Ing]: 2. . .
02:04 [Ing]: 1. . .
Game Lobby Started

Game Log

00:00 [Ing]: Longest load by player [Rampageek] was 8.56 seconds.
00:01 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: aTaTaPewPew -cam 1.7
00:01 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: aTaTaPewPew -eb
00:04 [Ing]: Scourge-helper2018 3.96-mitrut 3.87-urankhai 2.97-pes_patron2 2.96-aTaTaPewPew 2.95 Avg: 3.34
00:04 [Ing]: Sentinel-shakhob595 4.07-jony_9595 3.16-Danya_Bar0n 2.99-Rampageek 2.99-amcaaa 2.97 Avg: 3.24
00:04 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 -cam 2.19
00:05 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 -eb
00:19 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Rampageek -eb
00:21 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Rampageek -cam 1.6
00:22 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Rampageek -cl
00:38 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 -CAM 2.1999
00:42 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: helper2018 -cam 2.1
01:47 Obs: urankhai !sd help
01:47 [Ing]: helper2018@ingame.go.ro [3.96 • Pro] - Games [930] - Leaver [2] - Win: 52.2% - KD: 9.0/5.1 - Top #105
02:43 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 ha
02:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 seniki
02:55 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 OLIM MANI ISMIM
03:00 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 ))))
04:26 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 aba mb
04:33 urankhai killed rampageek
04:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 YA SF
04:54 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Danya_Bar0n у меня монета
04:58 pes_patron2 killed jony_9595
05:02 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 root
05:03 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 naix
05:19 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 FARM 00000000000000
05:23 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 SUK
05:37 [Ing]: Ban reason: ANTI GAME after 4m in " IMBA #16" 5*v5 on (04:34:23 PM Sunday 07-July-2024 ) From: iccup | RU"
05:37 [Ing]: Player [Danya_Bar0n ] was banned by player [shakhob595] for the next [2] days.
05:37 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 !BAN DANYA ANTI GAME
05:57 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Rampageek че за скилл?
06:11 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Rampageek what skill is it
06:13 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Rampageek ?
06:27 danya_bar0n killed urankhai
06:33 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 PULNI YIGSIN SIKIB KIKLIMAN
06:57 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Danya_Bar0n 3
07:06 pes_patron2 killed jony_9595
07:14 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 wr naix
07:48 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 1
07:50 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 2
07:51 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 3
07:53 [Ing]: Rampageek has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
07:57 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 GOOD BYE
08:19 rampageek killed the Sentinel
08:20 rampageek killed atatapewpew
08:22 urankhai killed rampageek
08:57 urankhai killed danya_bar0n
08:57 urankhai killed shakhob595
09:00 helper2018 killed urankhai
09:12 [Ing]: Danya_Bar0n was kicked by player [shakhob595].
09:12 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 !K DAN
09:27 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 art
09:27 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: amcaaa ?
09:38 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 javelin
09:42 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: amcaaa me
09:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 +
11:03 atatapewpew killed amcaaa
11:08 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: amcaaa nerup
11:30 urankhai killed jony_9595
11:41 pes_patron2 killed shakhob595
11:54 [Ing]: Rampageek has been kicked because he didn t reconnect in time.
11:54 [Ing]: Rampageek has been kicked because he didn t reconnect in time.
11:56 helper2018 killed the Sentinel
12:18 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: amcaaa can l take ýtem
12:19 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: amcaaa item
12:21 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: amcaaa panda
12:37 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 I d c
13:19 helper2018 killed urankhai
13:20 danya_bar0n killed atatapewpew
13:25 urankhai killed amcaaa
13:51 danya_bar0n killed the Sentinel
13:57 atatapewpew killed jony_9595
14:24 [Ing]: 1/3 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (3/3 needed to pass).
14:24 [Ing]: [shakhob595] has voted to forfeit.
14:24 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 !FF
14:28 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jony_9595 !ff
14:28 [Ing]: 2/3 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (3/3 needed to pass).
14:28 [Ing]: [jony_9595] has voted to forfeit.
14:30 urankhai killed shakhob595
14:37 helper2018 killed mitrut
14:39 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: amcaaa !ff
14:39 [Ing]: The Sentinel has forfeited
14:39 [Ing]: Wait ten seconds before leaving or stats will not be properly recorded!
14:39 [Ing]: Game over!
14:40 [Ing]: jony_9595 has left the game voluntarily.
14:41 [Ing]: shakhob595 has left the game voluntarily.
14:42 [Ing]: helper2018 has left the game voluntarily.
14:43 [Ing]: amcaaa has left the game voluntarily.
14:43 [Ing]: aTaTaPewPew has left the game voluntarily.
14:44 [Ing]: mitrut has left the game voluntarily.
14:44 [Ing]: Please wait five or so seconds before leaving so that stats can be properly saved.
14:44 [Ing]: 10. . .
14:45 [Ing]: 9. . .
14:45 [Ing]: urankhai has left the game voluntarily.
14:45 [Ing]: 8. . .
14:46 [Ing]: 7. . .
14:46 [Ing]: 6. . .
14:47 [Ing]: 5. . .
14:47 [Ing]: 4. . .
14:48 [Ing]: 3. . .
14:49 [Ing]: 2. . .
14:49 [Ing]: 1. . .
Game Finished
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