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Game name: Imba 484198
2024-07-09 21:34:04


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
11 why_always_me 3 4 1 1176 809 9 32 0 0 0 Left at 14:59
10 shakhob595 1 5 2 1309 637 13 48 0 0 0 Left at 14:00
10 ozealat 0 1 0 1784 481 1 43 1 0 0 Left at 14:00
13 bekbamaster 1 4 0 2142 572 25 63 0 0 0 Left at 14:59
10 ow1986 1 5 1 1195 416 2 24 1 0 0 Left at 14:00


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
17 ibda 6 1 0 1119 806 19 74 0 0 0 Left at 14:59
12 pzdc_ya_dno 0 1 0 1480 650 14 71 0 0 0 Left at 14:59
14 mistertolik 1 4 0 1518 715 15 42 0 0 0 Left at 14:02
16 dream.lasthero 12 1 1 2050 728 26 22 0 0 0 Left at 14:03
7 sparow.1s 0 2 0 891 325 5 14 0 0 0 Left at 14:11

Event Logs

Lobby Log

00:52 [Ing]: mistertolik@ingame[G] UZ Namangan Haqqulobod Shahri [3.30 • Pro] - Games [976] - Leaver [1] - Win: 48.7% - KD: 5.6/6.4 - Top #493
01:29 [Ing]: ibda@iccup EG Al Jizah Giza [5.03 • Imba GOD] - Games [368] - Leaver [0] - Win: 47.9% - KD: 5.8/6.8 - Top #1085
01:29 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
02:04 mistertolik !P
02:28 [Ing]: iimbadii@ingame[G] TR Istanbul [3.40 • Pro] - Games [2771] - Leaver [3] - Win: 49.5% - KD: 7.0/6.8 - Top #40
02:37 [Ing]: farrux_1988@iccup UZ Samarqand hasn't played any DotA Imba games.
02:38 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
02:38 [Ing]: farrux_1988: 0 KB/s (0% )
02:43 [Ing]: why_always_me@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Tashkent [5.11 • Imba GOD] - Games [307] - Leaver [0] - Win: 53.2% - KD: 9.0/5.4 - Top #139
02:43 [Ing]: pzdc_ya_dno@ingame[G] UA Volynska oblast Kovel' [4.25 • GOD] - Games [15018] - Leaver [3] - Win: 54.6% - KD: 8.2/3.3 - Top #16
02:44 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
02:44 [Ing]: sparow.1s@iccup IR Fars Marvdasht hasn't played any DotA Imba games.
02:44 [Ing]: bekbamaster@ingame[G] KG Bishkek Shaary Bishkek [2.97 • Feeder] - Games [389] - Leaver [0] - Win: 43.4% - KD: 3.9/4.5 - Top #1080
02:45 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
02:45 [Ing]: shakhob595@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Tashkent [4.07 • GOD] - Games [4987] - Leaver [9] - Win: 52.8% - KD: 6.6/4.5 - Top #186
02:46 [Ing]: ozealat@ingame[G] ZA Gauteng Johannesburg [3.91 • Pro] - Games [19687] - Leaver [2] - Win: 52.1% - KD: 7.0/4.2 - Top #1167
02:46 [Ing]: dream.lasthero@ingame[G] KZ Batys Qazaqstan oblysy Aqsay [3.24 • Pro] - Games [4029] - Leaver [0] - Win: 53.7% - KD: 6.1/5.3 - Top #67
02:48 [Ing]: Sparow.1s: 254 KB/s (11% ETA: 29 s )
02:49 why_always_me !t shakj
02:52 shakhob595 !t
02:52 why_always_me !t shak
02:55 shakhob595 !t
02:55 [Ing]: Player [shakhob595] added to [why_always_me]'s team.
02:58 [Ing]: Sparow.1s: 314 KB/s (52% ETA: 13 s )
03:08 [Ing]: Sparow.1s: 309 KB/s (89% ETA: 3 s )
03:10 [Ing]: Player [Sparow.1s] downloaded the map in 26.6 seconds (307.8 KB/sec).
03:28 [Ing]: kucza@ingame[G] PL Slaskie Katowice [2.95 • Very Stupid] - Games [8743] - Leaver [6] - Win: 33.0% - KD: 2.1/10.7 - Top #1180
03:28 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
03:30 [Ing]: The game will start in a few seconds . You can use !team to invite your friends to your team.
03:35 shakhob595 !deny kuc
03:35 [Ing]: Player [shakhob595] denied player [kucza] for the current game.
03:43 Ibda !sd spar
03:43 [Ing]: Sparow.1s@wc3.theabyss.ru hasn't played any DotA Imba games.
03:51 pzdc_ya_dno был бы кузя за верх хуй кто кик
03:57 pzdc_ya_dno уверен
04:01 [Ing]: ow1986@ingame[G] KG Bishkek Shaary Bishkek [2.97 • Feeder] - Games [1645] - Leaver [0] - Win: 48.5% - KD: 4.3/5.8 - Top #194
04:08 Ibda kik 5
04:10 [Ing]: Sentinel-Ibda 5.03-pzdc_ya_dno 4.25-mistertolik 3.30-Dream.LastHero 3.24-Sparow.1s 3.00 Avg: 3.76
04:10 [Ing]: Scourge-why_always_me 5.11-shakhob595 4.07-ozealat 3.91-BekbaMaster 2.97-ow1986 2.97 Avg: 3.81
04:10 [Ing]: 10. . .
04:10 [Ing]: 9. . .
04:11 [Ing]: 8. . .
04:11 Ibda noob
04:11 [Ing]: 7. . .
04:12 [Ing]: 6. . .
04:12 [Ing]: 5. . .
04:13 [Ing]: 4. . .
04:13 [Ing]: 3. . .
04:14 [Ing]: 2. . .
04:14 [Ing]: 1. . .
Game Lobby Started

Game Log

00:00 [Ing]: [why_always_me]'s team: shakhob595
00:00 [Ing]: Longest load by player [Sparow.1s] was 8.85 seconds.
00:00 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: BekbaMaster -eb
00:00 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me -eb
00:02 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: BekbaMaster -water red
00:04 [Ing]: Scourge-Ibda 5.03-pzdc_ya_dno 4.25-mistertolik 3.30-Dream.LastHero 3.24-Sparow.1s 3.00 Avg: 3.76
00:04 [Ing]: Sentinel-why_always_me 5.11-shakhob595 4.07-ozealat 3.91-BekbaMaster 2.97-ow1986 2.97 Avg: 3.81
00:05 [All]: pzdc_ya_dno а нахуя ток за своё очко думают
00:07 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: mistertolik -cam 2
00:09 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno -eb
00:10 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno -cam 2
00:10 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: ow1986 -cam 1.7
00:12 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: ow1986 -eb
01:46 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Dream.LastHero ebat' on im slarka vzyal
01:52 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno танчите
01:52 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 hudoga soldim
01:58 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me axax
02:06 [Ing]: mistertolik@ingame.go.ro [3.30 • Pro] - Games [976] - Leaver [1] - Win: 48.7% - KD: 5.6/6.4 - Top #493
02:06 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Ibda !sd mis
02:10 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno мастера
02:11 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno ебаные
02:19 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: mistertolik bash
02:41 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno какие низкие
02:42 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno уёбки
02:52 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno касчну ауру на 4
02:55 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno стану на хг
02:59 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno фармите
03:03 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno сучки
03:17 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: ozealat !p
03:24 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno забери итем
03:29 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno фармила
03:33 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno ясно
03:34 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno тунгое
03:52 the Sentinel killed ow1986
04:14 [Ing]: why_always_me has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
04:14 [Ing]: Player [why_always_me] reconnected with GProxy++!
04:24 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno конь монет
04:34 [Ing]: Player [why_always_me] reconnected with GProxy++!
04:42 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Ibda >> Missing!
04:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me a
04:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me lag
04:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me wtf
04:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me !p
04:47 [Ing]: Player [why_always_me] reconnected with GProxy++!
04:47 [Ing]: why_always_me has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
04:47 the Sentinel killed bekbamaster
04:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me ebat
05:07 ow1986 killed the Sentinel
05:52 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me ursa
05:55 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me leor
05:58 the Sentinel killed shakhob595
06:02 ozealat killed sparow.1s
06:30 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno сука ст ебала
06:30 [Ing]: pzdc_ya_dno muted for 25 seconds for having a foul mouth
06:39 [Ing]: Type !yes to vote.
06:39 [Ing]: A votekick against player [Sparow.1s] has been started by player [pzdc_ya_dno]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
06:39 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno !vk spar
06:50 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Dream.LastHero !y
06:50 [Ing]: Player [Dream.LastHero] voted to kick player [Sparow.1s]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
07:00 [Ing]: Player [pzdc_ya_dno] is no longer muted.
07:02 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Ibda !vk spa
07:38 [Ing]: A votekick against player [Sparow.1s] has expired.
07:44 the Sentinel killed why_always_me
07:55 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 mina quying
08:16 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me lvl
08:17 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me pas
08:37 the Sentinel killed ow1986
08:38 the Sentinel killed shakhob595
08:55 the Sentinel killed why_always_me
09:16 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Ibda go rosh
09:24 the Sentinel killed ow1986
09:55 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Dream.LastHero ebanuti
09:59 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Dream.LastHero slark u nih
10:11 [Ing]: A votekick against player [Sparow.1s] has been started by player [Dream.LastHero]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
10:11 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Dream.LastHero !vk spar
10:11 [Ing]: Type !yes to vote.
10:14 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno !y
10:14 [Ing]: Player [pzdc_ya_dno] voted to kick player [Sparow.1s]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
10:21 shakhob595 killed the Sentinel
10:31 mistertolik killed bekbamaster
10:36 shakhob595 killed mistertolik
10:59 mistertolik killed ow1986
11:10 [Ing]: A votekick against player [Sparow.1s] has expired.
11:27 mistertolik killed shakhob595
11:28 the Sentinel killed why_always_me
11:36 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me roshi oladi xoz
11:50 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: pzdc_ya_dno bara
11:53 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me aeiga
11:54 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me bor
11:56 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me olila
12:24 the Sentinel killed bekbamaster
12:31 shakhob595 killed pzdc_ya_dno
12:38 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Dream.LastHero no4' nejmi ska
12:49 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Dream.LastHero kon' slark
12:59 sparow.1s killed shakhob595
13:00 ibda killed dream.lasthero
13:09 the Sentinel killed ow1986
13:13 the Sentinel killed why_always_me
13:15 [All]: Dream.LastHero DDD
13:19 mistertolik killed bekbamaster
13:22 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: BekbaMaster !ff
13:22 [Ing]: 1/5 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (5/5 needed to pass).
13:22 [Ing]: [BekbaMaster] has voted to forfeit.
13:37 mistertolik killed ozealat
13:45 mistertolik killed shakhob595
13:50 [Ing]: 2/5 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (5/5 needed to pass).
13:50 [Ing]: [shakhob595] has voted to forfeit.
13:50 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: shakhob595 !ff
13:53 [Ing]: 3/5 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (5/5 needed to pass).
13:53 [Ing]: [why_always_me] has voted to forfeit.
13:53 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: why_always_me !ff
13:53 [Ing]: 4/5 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (5/5 needed to pass).
13:53 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: ozealat !ff
13:53 [Ing]: [ozealat] has voted to forfeit.
13:57 [Ing]: The Sentinel has forfeited
13:57 [Ing]: Wait ten seconds before leaving or stats will not be properly recorded!
13:57 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: ow1986 !ff
13:57 [Ing]: Game over!
13:59 [Ing]: pzdc_ya_dno has left the game voluntarily.
13:59 [Ing]: why_always_me has left the game voluntarily.
13:59 [Ing]: BekbaMaster has left the game voluntarily.
13:59 [Ing]: Ibda has left the game voluntarily.
14:00 [Ing]: shakhob595 has left the game voluntarily.
14:00 [Ing]: ow1986 has left the game voluntarily.
14:00 [Ing]: ozealat has left the game voluntarily.
14:01 [Ing]: Please wait five or so seconds before leaving so that stats can be properly saved.
14:02 [Ing]: 10. . .
14:02 [Ing]: 9. . .
14:02 [Ing]: mistertolik has left the game voluntarily.
14:03 [Ing]: Dream.LastHero has left the game voluntarily.
14:03 [Ing]: 8. . .
14:03 [Ing]: 7. . .
14:04 [Ing]: 6. . .
14:04 [Ing]: 5. . .
14:05 [Ing]: 4. . .
14:06 [Ing]: 3. . .
14:06 [Ing]: 2. . .
14:07 [Ing]: 1. . .
Game Finished
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