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Game name: Imba 484286
2024-07-10 15:54:20


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
28 mr-_-brown 12 16 4 2421 1151 73 54 2 0 0 Left at 38:42
22 mr.chamos1 5 15 3 1974 663 62 59 0 0 0 Left at 38:57
16 allskip 4 2 0 1723 520 18 51 0 0 0 Leaver 16:21
31 mitrut 8 12 7 4516 1411 196 65 0 3 0 Left at 38:57
24 void1111 6 17 6 2012 910 44 45 0 0 0 Left at 38:40


H Player Name K D A Items Spells Buff HP Mana CK NK CD TK RK Time
37 [iiiypuk] 27 8 3 4330 2564 174 167 0 2 3 Left at 38:40
50 soon 22 2 7 4862 1430 70 84 0 7 2 Left at 38:39
27 6atbko_n00b 7 9 8 2430 1820 131 58 0 0 1 Left at 38:40
23 becktheslayer 3 13 7 2183 1027 44 81 0 0 0 Left at 38:39
13 roadrunner81 4 7 7 948 1121 9 39 0 0 0 Left at 38:39

Event Logs

Lobby Log

00:10 [Ing]: zjlou_kpojluk@iccup KZ Ulytau oblysy Kazakhstan [2.98 • Very Noob] - Games [161] - Leaver [3] - Win: 53.8% - KD: 5.7/6.4 - Top #60
00:54 [Ing]: becktheslayer@iccup UZ Samarqand hasn't played any DotA Imba games.
00:54 [Ing]: BeckTheSlayer: 0 KB/s (0% )
00:55 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:04 [Ing]: BeckTheSlayer: 496 KB/s (56% ETA: 7 s )
01:08 [Ing]: A96. is trying to join the game but is banned by AUTOBAN., Autobanned because closed iCCup to exit the game (connection closed by end iCCup) after 36m in " IMBA #91" 4v5* on (07:02:03 PM Monday 08-July-2024 ) Realm: iccup | UZ"
01:10 [Ing]: Player [BeckTheSlayer] downloaded the map in 16.2 seconds (504.2 KB/sec).
01:35 [Ing]: Player [Mr-_-brown] will be banned if he exceeds 10 monthly disconnections (AFK or connection lost)
01:35 [Ing]: mr-_-brown@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Tashkent [4.61 • Imba GOD] - Games [5141] - Leaver [8] - Win: 53.6% - KD: 8.2/4.7 - Top #57
01:35 [Ing]: [iiiypuk]@ingame[G] KZ Qaraghandy oblysy Priozersk [5.56 • Imba GOD with luck] - Games [4214] - Leaver [3] - Win: 53.5% - KD: 9.6/4.3 - Top #1229
01:35 [Ing]: azimbay@iccup UZ Buxoro Bukhara [3.00 • First game] - Games [1] - Leaver [0] - Win: 100.0% - KD: 0.0/5.0 - Top #362
01:35 [Ing]: azimbay: 0 KB/s (0% )
01:37 [Ing]: mr.chamos1@ingame[G] RU Bashkortostan, Respublika Zilair [3.82 • Pro] - Games [6824] - Leaver [4] - Win: 53.5% - KD: 6.2/5.8 - Top #53
01:37 [Ing]: allskip@ingame[G] UZ Farg'ona [3.68 • Pro] - Games [4055] - Leaver [8] - Win: 46.7% - KD: 6.3/5.2 - Top #30
01:37 [Ing]: Player [allskip] will be banned if he exceeds 10 monthly disconnections (AFK or connection lost)
01:38 [Ing]: soon@ingame[G] UZ Toshkent Tashkent [4.00 • Pro] - Games [662] - Leaver [5] - Win: 44.9% - KD: 7.4/6.5 - Top #218
01:39 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:40 [Ing]: void1111@iccup UZ Toshkent Tashkent [3.27 • Pro] - Games [593] - Leaver [2] - Win: 43.0% - KD: 4.4/6.3 - Top #641
01:40 [Ing]: mitrut@ingame[G] RO Timis Cenei [3.40 • Pro] - Games [14530] - Leaver [1] - Win: 53.5% - KD: 6.5/6.0 - Top #494
01:41 [Ing]: roadrunner81@ingame[G] TR Istanbul [2.98 • Very Noob] - Games [1705] - Leaver [4] - Win: 42.4% - KD: 4.1/6.6 - Top #1180
01:41 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:41 [Ing]: 6atbko_n00b@ingame[G] RU Samarskaya oblast' Samara [3.22 • Pro] - Games [7328] - Leaver [0] - Win: 54.4% - KD: 6.4/5.5 - Top #28
01:42 [Ing]: Autobalancing teams...
01:50 [Ing]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: Void1111
02:00 [Ing]: Sentinel-[IIIypuk] 5.56-SooN 4.00-6aTbKo_n00B 3.22-BeckTheSlayer 3.00-Roadrunner81 2.98 Avg: 3.75
02:00 [Ing]: Scourge-Mr-_-brown 4.61-mr.Chamos1 3.82-allskip 3.68-mitrut 3.40-Void1111 3.27 Avg: 3.76
02:00 [Ing]: 10. . .
02:00 [Ing]: 9. . .
02:01 [Ing]: 8. . .
02:01 [Ing]: 7. . .
02:02 [Ing]: 6. . .
02:02 [Ing]: 5. . .
02:03 [Ing]: 4. . .
02:03 [Ing]: 3. . .
02:04 [Ing]: 2. . .
02:04 [Ing]: 1. . .
Game Lobby Started

Game Log

00:00 [Ing]: Longest load by player [BeckTheSlayer] was 9.59 seconds.
00:00 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mr.Chamos1 -cam 1.7
00:01 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 -cam 2.1
00:02 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mr.Chamos1 -eb
00:04 [Ing]: Scourge-[IIIypuk] 5.56-SooN 4.00-6aTbKo_n00B 3.22-BeckTheSlayer 3.00-Roadrunner81 2.98 Avg: 3.75
00:04 [Ing]: Sentinel-Mr-_-brown 4.61-mr.Chamos1 3.82-allskip 3.68-mitrut 3.40-Void1111 3.27 Avg: 3.76
00:05 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
00:05 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: 6aTbKo_n00B -cam 2
00:06 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 -cl
00:09 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cam 2
01:17 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 -cam 2.1999
01:29 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
01:33 the Scourge killed allskip
01:36 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
01:42 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown arrow
01:46 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: allskip arrow
02:45 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 ?
02:50 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 slardar
02:51 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 come
02:51 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 here
02:59 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: SooN fuck
03:04 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 why solo
03:15 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: SooN 1 lvl
03:23 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 slardar
03:25 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 if u hit
03:26 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 there
03:28 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 any creep
03:29 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 u get ban
03:33 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 first
03:37 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 5 min
03:38 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 rule
03:45 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: allskip +1 lv
04:15 mr.chamos1 killed roadrunner81
04:16 the Scourge killed mr-_-brown
04:37 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
04:46 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown hook i arrow
05:01 becktheslayer killed mitrut
05:04 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
05:28 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
05:41 the Scourge killed mr.chamos1
05:43 [iiiypuk] killed roadrunner81
05:47 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
05:50 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
05:57 the Scourge killed void1111
06:07 becktheslayer killed mr-_-brown
06:13 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 kik
06:15 roadrunner81 killed mitrut
06:22 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown fuck
06:33 allskip killed roadrunner81
07:17 mr.chamos1 killed roadrunner81
07:27 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
07:31 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
07:36 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: allskip -ms
07:40 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
07:43 roadrunner81 killed mitrut
08:15 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
08:34 mitrut killed roadrunner81
08:42 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer fuck every one
08:46 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer fuck you
08:47 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer necr
08:47 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer aura
09:02 roadrunner81 killed mitrut
09:03 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 r u sure ?
09:07 mitrut killed becktheslayer
09:11 becktheslayer killed mr-_-brown
09:18 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 stoop
09:23 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
09:37 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
09:44 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mr.Chamos1 вард
10:08 becktheslayer killed mr-_-brown
10:11 becktheslayer killed void1111
10:16 mitrut killed roadrunner81
10:17 mitrut killed becktheslayer
10:48 6atbko_n00b killed void1111
11:04 6atbko_n00b killed mr.chamos1
11:05 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
11:14 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mr.Chamos1 подстава)
11:14 becktheslayer killed the SENTINEL top level 1 tower.
11:30 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
11:43 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 rosh there
11:44 6atbko_n00b killed void1111
11:44 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 necro
11:45 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 aura
11:47 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 if u want
11:49 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
11:56 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
11:56 becktheslayer killed mitrut
12:06 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
12:09 allskip killed soon
12:13 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
13:14 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
13:24 [iiiypuk] killed soon
13:34 6atbko_n00b killed mitrut
13:59 [iiiypuk] killed becktheslayer
14:11 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown afk ursa
14:43 6atbko_n00b killed mitrut
14:49 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
14:50 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
14:51 [iiiypuk] killed the Sentinel
14:52 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
15:01 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown 1
15:02 becktheslayer killed the SENTINEL mid level 1 tower.
15:05 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 +
15:14 mr.chamos1 killed becktheslayer
15:16 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
15:26 mr.chamos1 killed soon
15:26 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
15:37 allskip killed roadrunner81
15:40 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
15:44 becktheslayer killed the SENTINEL mid level 2 tower.
15:46 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer d
15:51 [Ing]: [ANTI-AFK] Player [allskip] has been marked as AFK. Autokick will occur in 2 minutes.
15:58 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown !vl a;;
16:01 [Ing]: Type !yes to vote.
16:01 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown !vk all
16:01 [Ing]: A votekick against player [allskip] has been started by player [Mr-_-brown]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
16:03 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown y
16:07 [Ing]: Player [Void1111] voted to kick player [allskip]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
16:07 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 !y
16:11 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mr.Chamos1 !y
16:11 [Ing]: Player [mr.Chamos1] voted to kick player [allskip]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
16:16 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer ahahahah
16:17 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown y
16:19 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown afk
16:21 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown kik
16:21 [Ing]: A votekick against player [allskip] has passed.
16:21 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mitrut !y
16:21 [Ing]: allskip was kicked by vote.
16:25 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer ahhaahahah
16:52 allskip killed soon
17:29 mr.chamos1 killed the Sentinel
17:34 [iiiypuk] killed roadrunner81
17:37 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
17:43 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
17:47 allskip killed becktheslayer
17:59 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
18:00 void1111 killed soon
18:03 becktheslayer killed void1111
18:08 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
18:08 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown axe prosta
18:10 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown igrai
18:10 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown s
18:12 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown agrom
18:14 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown zamnoi
18:15 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 go
18:15 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
18:17 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown ya ubyu naixa
18:23 becktheslayer killed mitrut
18:24 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 go
18:27 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 ok
19:07 6atbko_n00b killed void1111
19:21 6atbko_n00b killed mr.chamos1
19:27 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown ward
19:28 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown suda
19:56 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
20:08 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown wardite
20:09 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown blyad
20:17 [iiiypuk] killed roadrunner81
20:23 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
21:01 mr.chamos1 killed becktheslayer
21:10 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
21:27 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown axe
21:28 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown g
21:36 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 +
21:46 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown ebat
21:47 6atbko_n00b killed void1111
21:48 void1111 killed the SCOURGE bottom level 1 tower.
21:51 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
21:54 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 yee=bat
22:03 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 bla sniper
22:15 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
22:22 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown a ti sniper po kd
22:29 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown na strelu popadew
22:35 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 )
22:36 becktheslayer killed the SENTINEL top level 2 tower.
22:45 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown daggera
22:46 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown vozmi
22:48 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown prosta
22:49 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown agr
22:51 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown i vse
23:15 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
23:17 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown axax
23:17 roadrunner81 killed void1111
23:17 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown ebat
23:21 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mr.Chamos1 ))
23:22 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 xaxa
23:24 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
23:25 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 a pyat
23:32 void1111 killed the Sentinel
24:17 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 vezdi ward
24:56 void1111 killed roadrunner81
25:32 6atbko_n00b killed void1111
26:17 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 fly
26:19 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 for bird
26:29 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
26:34 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
26:38 void1111 killed the SCOURGE bottom level 2 tower.
26:53 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
27:00 6atbko_n00b killed void1111
27:10 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 slud
27:11 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 maybe?
27:17 mr.chamos1 killed soon
27:29 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
27:34 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown b
27:35 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: SooN sludje necr
27:36 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: 6aTbKo_n00B sludge
27:59 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown bbm
28:03 6atbko_n00b killed void1111
28:11 6atbko_n00b killed mr.chamos1
28:16 the Sentinel killed mitrut
28:20 void1111 killed roadrunner81
28:20 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
28:55 becktheslayer killed mr-_-brown
28:56 becktheslayer killed the SENTINEL top level 3 tower.
29:02 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
29:07 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
29:31 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 can u kill ?
29:34 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 mabe bm ?
29:34 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown ubeite
29:36 roadrunner81 killed mitrut
29:36 roadrunner81 killed void1111
29:36 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown kripov
29:38 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown luchwe
29:57 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 why gem
29:59 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
30:05 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer i killed alchemist
30:07 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
30:10 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 nice
30:21 becktheslayer killed the SENTINEL mid level 3 tower.
30:37 becktheslayer killed void1111
30:38 mr.chamos1 killed 6atbko_n00b
31:00 mr.chamos1 killed becktheslayer
31:10 6atbko_n00b killed the SENTINEL bottom level 2 tower.
32:25 the Sentinel killed void1111
32:33 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown a chto est tut
32:36 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown !sd void
32:36 [Ing]: Void1111@wc3.theabyss.ru [3.08 • Good] - Games [594] - Leaver [2] - Win: 43.0% - KD: 4.4/6.3 - Top #993
32:37 void1111 killed becktheslayer
32:39 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
32:41 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 ward
32:48 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown nax na mward
32:52 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown etix
33:00 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 nez
33:08 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
33:23 mr.chamos1 killed soon
33:30 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown kupi
33:30 void1111 killed the SCOURGE top level 1 tower.
33:31 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown dagger
33:38 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown i prosta
33:39 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown agr
33:39 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown day
33:43 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown nekogo ne bey
33:45 void1111 killed the Sentinel
33:47 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 day dengi
33:49 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: [IIIypuk] -2 magnus + taid
33:53 void1111 killed roadrunner81
33:59 becktheslayer killed mr.chamos1
33:59 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
34:08 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 b
34:18 becktheslayer killed void1111
34:25 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown lox
34:33 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 gan*don
34:34 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cls
34:36 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 ti
34:38 [Ing]: Type !yes to vote.
34:38 [Ing]: A votekick against player [Void1111] has been started by player [Mr-_-brown]. 3 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
34:38 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown !vk void
34:39 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown y
34:40 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown all
34:45 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 )
35:01 the Sentinel killed mitrut
35:04 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer d
35:07 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
35:09 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown magnus
35:23 [Ing]: [mitrut] has voted to forfeit.
35:23 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mitrut !ff
35:23 [Ing]: 1/4 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (4/4 needed to pass).
35:26 mr.chamos1 killed 6atbko_n00b
35:27 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
35:28 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
35:28 6atbko_n00b killed mr.chamos1
35:29 6atbko_n00b killed void1111
35:32 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 !ff
35:32 [Ing]: [Void1111] has voted to forfeit.
35:32 [Ing]: 2/4 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (4/4 needed to pass).
35:35 [Ing]: 3/4 players on the Sentinel have voted to forfeit (4/4 needed to pass).
35:35 [Ing]: [mr.Chamos1] has voted to forfeit.
35:35 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: mr.Chamos1 !ff
35:36 [All]: Mr-_-brown nakonesta on dal agra
35:37 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
35:38 [Ing]: A votekick against player [Void1111] has expired.
35:44 6atbko_n00b killed the SENTINEL bottom level 3 tower.
35:49 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
35:54 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 !vk mr
36:02 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 !ff
36:07 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 ff+
36:26 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 trax pishi ff
36:29 mr.chamos1 killed becktheslayer
36:34 void1111 killed the Sentinel
36:34 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
36:40 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 focus
36:42 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 baracks
36:44 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: Roadrunner81 make the mega
36:47 becktheslayer killed void1111
36:48 6atbko_n00b killed mitrut
36:52 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 gandon
36:53 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
36:59 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 lox
36:59 6atbko_n00b killed mr-_-brown
37:08 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown otsa tvoi
37:09 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown gondon
37:14 [Allies] [SCOURGE ]: BeckTheSlayer -cl
37:15 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown rabochiy gondon
37:19 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 ya dal agr
37:22 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 tvar
37:28 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown v jopu day tvoi agra
37:29 becktheslayer killed the SENTINEL mid level 4 tower.
37:29 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown daun
37:33 The Scourge damaged the Tree of life. The tree has only 75% life left.
37:34 The Scourge damaged the Tree of life. The tree has only 50% life left.
37:34 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Void1111 .!.
37:35 The Scourge damaged the Tree of life. The tree has only 25% life left.
37:37 The Scourge damaged the Tree of life. The tree has only 10% life left.
37:37 [Ing]: Game over!
The Scourge has won the game.
37:39 [Ing]: Roadrunner81 has left the game voluntarily.
37:39 [Ing]: BeckTheSlayer has left the game voluntarily.
37:39 [Ing]: SooN has left the game voluntarily.
37:40 [Ing]: [IIIypuk] has left the game voluntarily.
37:40 [Ing]: Void1111 has left the game voluntarily.
37:40 [Ing]: 6aTbKo_n00B has left the game voluntarily.
37:41 [Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Mr-_-brown posle pojar xui nasos
37:42 [Ing]: Mr-_-brown has left the game voluntarily.
37:57 [Ing]: mr.Chamos1 was disconnected (gameover timer finished).
Game Finished
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