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  1. I totally agree that majority of the admins (including myself) behave inadequately, especially when teammates do not want to cooperate or make a useless pick. Its natural to get mad when your the only one trying to win while some morons farm for 40 min just to write ff. Its annoying. However in my case admin called Narkadiller ruined the game blocking spawns with centry just because I didn't share tether with him. He acts like a mad toodler whom mommy didn't give a lollipop . I think in this case he shouldn't only be punished by removing admin for 2 days. Its unfair. Because he could have ruined the game for the whole team not only for me (We won the match though). This kid continuously floods the common chat too. heres the link for the game: https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=521415 @serb.arxangel @sel1ne13 @styla
  2. Шансы у вас были, но ты как всегда не хотел кооперироватся, помогат керри. Если прочитать чать там сначала наша тима написал фф. Урса у вас все сделал в одиночку, убил роху снес вышек , но тимплей у вас был 0. А это бесит любого. Бан ты получил заслуженный.
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