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black_tulip last won the day on July 13 2022

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  1. Watch your language, boy! It's the second time when you insult me in this post and if you are not careful, a carrot will go in your ass, up to the leaves!
  2. Here is the proof that you use MH.
  3. After all, you are a mh-er with evedence (it's easy in game to avoid enemies and get good score..right?!?) and styla ban you already for that, you just prove here with your post that you do not have basic education to respect others. This post is a proof. Styla shouyd remove your rights as aadmin until you learn to be polite at least.
  4. This kido not deserve to get admin anyhow. It's an abuser and if I remember last year he got ban from styl for mh. Now he ban players for a score 1-10 in a game where everyone from scourge get raped due to furi, invoker, maledict and so on.
  5. He ban me for "ruining game" lol..a ban from 05.07 but my last game when i play on this server was in 02.07. Today I comeback from vacation and saw this.. So report abuser admin or drunk...who knows?
  6. This is true newb1k.. is an abuser. Now he ban me but is strange..here is not like I'm banned. So I can't join games but also I can't appeal.
  7. Same report as Delmer ..but another so called admin: newb1k.. track me and deny every game since few weeks without any reason.
  8. I attach game reply to and also send a mail to styla. this abuser should be banned by IP 302139.rar
  9. And today the abuser kick again in one game when he saw he lose in first minutes. there is log: 00:00[Allies] [SCOURGE ]: hypnose_kroete-cam 1.5 00:04[Ing]:Scourge 3.65 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 Avg: 3.12 00:04[Ing]:Sentinel 3.38 2.99 2.99 2.99 3.05 Avg: 3.08 00:14[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: gelik77-сфьcam 1.2 01:01[Allies] [SCOURGE ]: wehaveahulk-cam 2 06:11wehaveahulkkilled_cnatb_ 07:15wehaveahulkkilled the SCOURGE mid level 1 tower. 07:20[Allies] [SCOURGE ]: wehaveahulk!k bla 07:20[Ing]:black_tulip was kicked by player [wehaveahulk].
  10. He can't ban anymore when he is drunk or just because he slept bad. Styla notice that he and others like him abuse with ban and removed command "ban" from donators.
  11. reported this admin: wehaveahulk. Is an abuser. He kick me because my skill kill faster nc..it was 1st or 2nd neutral creeps since the game started..about 30sec. then he deny me in lobby in the next game without any reason. Is not the first time when he makes abuses. he acting like a vengeful child when lose his ball.
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