I'm writing the dialogues exactly;
I have played 200 times anyway, what will happen if he is banned? What is the counterpart of this undignity, this wrong thought?
10:35[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Harmecда блять
10:51[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Harmecзаебал бляь
10:58[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: lsssdmne soul nada
11:06[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: lsssdna malenkix kripax legko
11:16the Sentinelkilledmaryusake91
11:26the Sentinelkilledharmec
11:33[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: maryusake91!sd tark
11:33[Ing]:Tarkan35@ingame.go.ro Noob [2.99] - Games [152] - Leaver [2] - Win: 52.3% - KD: 5.6/7.1 - Top #74
11:37[Ing]:harmec muted for 25 seconds for having a foul mouth
11:37[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Harmecsuka
11:38[Ing]:Player [Tarkan35 ] was banned by player [maryusake91] for the next [2] days.
11:38[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: maryusake91!b tark fake
11:38[Ing]:Ban reason: fake after 10m in "imba #51" 5v5* on (09:18:00 PM Friday 26-March-2021 ) From: ingame | TR"
11:41[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: maryusake91!k tark
11:41[Ing]:Tarkan35 was kicked by player [maryusake91].
12:06[All]: ysocerealyou didnt even check
12:07[Ing]:Player [harmec] is no longer muted.
12:09[All]: ysocerealrage kick
12:11[All]: maryusake91i check
12:12[All]: maryusake91sd
12:16[All]: ysocerealso
12:19[All]: ysocerealnew people can join
12:21[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: Gumboldt!mc tark
12:23[All]: maryusake91so ?
12:23[All]: ysocerealdid you mc
12:27[All]: ysocerealno you didnt
12:28[All]: maryusake91for what?
12:37[All]: ysocerealyou ban as fake with no proof
12:42[All]: maryusake91no need
12:47[All]: maryusake91under 200 games
12:48[All]: Gumboldtя тоже не увидел что он чекал
12:54[All]: maryusake91and pro
12:57[All]: ysocerealso how do new people join lol
12:57[All]: maryusake91enought
12:58[All]: Gumboldtуёбище
13:05[All]: maryusake91new people?
13:08[All]: maryusake91joke?
13:18[All]: ysocerealso no new people can join this server?
13:26[All]: ysocereali had <200 games and pro at one point
13:30[All]: Gumboldtслатан чё с этим сделать?
13:33[All]: Gumboldtон заебал
13:38[All]: ysocerealnow i've over 4000 games and donated £100's
13:38[All]: s1atanicбесполезно
13:47[All]: ysocerealyou just rage kicked
13:59[All]: maryusake91just folow the rules
14:02[All]: ysocerealnope
14:08[All]: ysocerealthat was a rage kick
14:11[All]: maryusake91ok
14:13[All]: ysocerealhe owned you, you cry
14:18[All]: maryusake91k k
14:20[All]: ysocerealonly way you could win i guess
14:28[All]: maryusake91y