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Posts posted by nubhunter

  1. I want to report "wehaveahulk" to be warned. At the start of the game we farm together with him and i kill creeps "not intentionally". Hulk blame me and i did not say anything even told him u can kill them as he wishes. (By the way, i could able to kill all creeps this issue is not related any rule but since he is admin i take it easy) However his highness mute me because he can no logical reason and moreover he threaten to ban me. That part is really requires so WARNING because none of the admins should not threat any player according to their opinions. There are RULES and all should follow even admins obey those rules.

    He kick me from lobby after that but thats not problem since its his privillege but according to his general behaviour and speech he will abuse his admin power more in the future

    Link of the game: https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?/Stats/RecentGames/&do=single&id=298439

    02:08[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulkoom
    02:52[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulkreally
    03:01[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulku just gonna take them all after i stopped so you can kill
    03:17[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: nubhuntertake as u wish
    03:19[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulki can kick you np
    03:25[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulku are playing selfishly
    03:25[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: nubhunteri did not intentionally
    03:28[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulku can stop
    03:29[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulklike i did
    03:29[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: jorelimba-cl
    03:33[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulkbut yuou wanna steal
    03:40[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: nubhunterthese are creeps
    03:46[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulk!mute nib
    03:48[Ing]:Player [nubhunter] has been muted.
    03:48[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulk!mute nub
    03:51[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: nubhunteru shouldnot treaten
    03:57[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulknext time u will get kicked
    04:01[Allies] [SENTINEL ]: wehaveahulki dont give a fuck


  2. At first it sounds proper rule and required on the other hand the rule is very strict and can be abuse easily. I will share some examples to clearify what i mean;

    This rule only good when team have 5 decent players and all of them playing. Sometimes 3-4 min 1 or 2 players stay afk so this rule not let us farm other spots which is clearly unfair. Also some admins can abuse this rule and immideatly ban&kick player. My idea is we are all in same team so no need to behave like that. Some admins thinks same way, warn and wait if the action repeat or not But as i said since rule is strict some can ban immediatly even 1 hit.

    Also mega creeps cause anther issue, as we all know some abilities let us kill mega early but sometimes its impossible to us kill mega creeps. Therefore 1 of the spots block farm so we are stay even more powerless. It happens me, i got devour ability and i pick sentinel 2 creep spot. Down part lvl6 satyr become mega so i just go other spot for devour lvl4 creep. Courage kick and ban me immediatly not even listen my defence. I dont say she was wrong but at least warn or listen why but since rule is strict she can prefer that way also.

    In short my suggestion, 1st not let spawn mega creeps for 5min and 2nd soften rule when there are AFK players.


  3. Invoker sun need to nerf thats certain, also its damage should reduce according to its range. Whole game it hits 4k and for 1 skill we need to make apolyon. Its damage should increase according to level but for now its really unbalanced and ruin game most of the time. I also think roof live armor unbalaced but there are several ways to overcome that but invo sun skill not like that. Hope someone take action.

  4. Again same guy but this time is different. After last issue, styler make a decision but i guess there is no warning or anything against "IImbadII". This time he want me to apologize him which i was right. So i dont apoligize of course and dont argue more since he is admin and almighty. I ask all to kick me because he does not want to play same team with me. I start votekick but he kick me and ban me as afk. Ban reason not true as you see chat in below even i was playing properly you can watch replay. He also told me "Complain me anywhere" (08:35-08:38) I just wanna say i dont complain anyone here i just seek justice and stood against admin abuse. Donate should not mean behave carelessly and look down other players. Styler, hope this time you can spare time and solve this issue permanently. You can either told me not play imba here anymore without donation or take action against who was guilty. Otherwise i will be banned continuosly.





  5. I got ban with no reason even i was not playing game. (you can check my ban info)  I'm pretty sure the guy who bans me become admin just for this issue so i think its really admin abuse. No report no reason and got banned because he donate and he want this way. I fear this continue in future also so he keep become admin and ban me continuosly?


    Also this allow me to think that way, if i dont like some players (not admins) i can become admin and ban anytime with no reason. No need solid prof and its applicaple for past games or issues. This issue will damage community really bad i guess.



    Game:  https://www.ingame.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=218582

    Admin: Eco


    Eco does admin abuse a lot most of the time those are not worth to create a post (not play properly, stay fountain, farm all time etc...) but that game i share link he kick me without proper reason. I try to play my game. He died many times (not related with me) after that he said i need to buy gem "not request more like command, and threaten if not buy game ff or something like that". Anyway i bought a gem also. Ta dam he got bored and kick me and ruin game. Seems like total admin power abuse. Till now i get used to him not play or leave but kick players without proper reason is not something acceptable i guess. I just want give Eco proper punishment. 






  7. What's the purpose of this topic? We just write admin abuse so what? Any penalty for admins or punishment? Who will judge it?


    I thought make a report about eco long ago but then when i think myself there will be no solution, probably styler cannot give any punishment for them because there are really few players who able to donate and losing them wont be wise. Everyone knows eco leaves most of the games and nowadays he evolved not leave but destroy his all items and watch rest of the game. 


    If any admin have a real solution please share for ex: if an admin really guilty he should get ban somehow or get a penalty point.

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