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  1. Hello guys, I see that in some games Roshan gives one punch or critical hit 8 or 9 times out of 10 hits and other times 1 or 2 times out of his 10 hits. Is there any possibility of making a guide of how Roshan works? Would you see this usefull?
  2. Hello, I think it should be an automatic rmk and ban when someone leaves or is dropped in min 0 or 1. Many times the other team does not vote for rmk and you end up with 4vs5 from the start. Is there any solution for this situation?
  3. What is this shit? This morning all was good and now I get this after 80 games? Nobody wants to remove this shit, am I banned? Does anyone care about user experience ?
  4. And if this is a fake account, which is the real account? Because I have 4 accounts, and from those 4 only 1 works. I cannot connect with any other account, because of your buggy plaform. So what to do? You want us to stop playing imba?
  5. This morning i was ok, now i have this. Can anyone fix this?
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