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JustAGameIdiot last won the day on November 26 2024

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About JustAGameIdiot

  • Birthday 06/14/1989

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  1. JustAGameIdiot


  2. Okay, I apologize, Admin. I alter such images. I'm not rude or rude to you or anybody else, but I see this a lot during my time in games, and some inexperienced administrators didn't make sense when they kicked, banned, and removed anyone, not just me. I understand that maintaining a server costs money, but I hope that some aspects should be rethought and that player-admin shouldn't have too much power just because he can purchase the authority because that would damage the experience for other players. I sincerely hope that you and other upper management view this as one of the many gray areas that most player-admins abuse. Many thanks
  3. The only thing this admin, shakhob595, did was act like a child and ban myself and another player without cause. Sometimes he bans people using fictitious marks like "anti-game" because he's angry. I don't mind being banned if I'm actually infringing the rules, but "anti-game" is a pretty ambiguous term that admins like this little shkhob595 frequently use to defend their inner-girl conduct. I hope the actual administrator and moderator check into this "anti-game" issue because it's frequently used when they can't ban players for clear reasons like leaving, damaging items, 3-2 farming and other clear reason. This also applies to other administrators who treat this like a school assignment and are unable to enjoy the game. For this reason, I am dedicating my name so I won`t typing many times. Each time player or admin piss off, I just ask them to read my name. Thank you
  4. I was wrongly banned after being accused of controlling bloodseeker hero (after the player left) while on my way to the fountain to heal, while someone else was controlling bloodseeker hero (selling/removing an item). I was banned despite explaining to the player, Lnvoker, that I had nothing to do with the situation. He claimed that I possessed a blood item, which I did not take, sell, or control. I hope I received fair justice because this ban abused my freedom to play.
  5. Some rules should be abolish.. Only limit banned/kicked for leaver and game spoiler.
  6. Greetings to all player I would like to discuss about an issue regarding abusive admin who using their privilages for kicking/banning people for childish reason. Recently I was banned by some a-hole admin just because I took item of the leaver (who also used to kicked for lame 3-2 rule which can be solved easily by talk and simple warning). I hope the main administrator to create an alternative game with "Disable player`s admin console" so all players can play fairly without being threaten being banned or kicked for emotional reason.
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