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  1. Take off ecos admin so we can kick him when he is afk or feeding @styla @serb.arxangel
  2. Agreed please don't give eco admin or just ban him for a while He always writes ff after 5 min like predicting future saying I know it's ff don't waste time and stays afk @styla @serb.arxangel
  3. Agree . We don't need a change for BKB
  4. 1) enigma 2 (small enigmas) got 1700 hp and 300 damage (easy tower and cannot def ) 2) enigma 6 black hole kills any hero ever with a full farm
  5. I'm sorry but you stay afk until I slap you and you start dying (feed) and wrote "ff" . We were playing until you start feeding and wrote ff you just ruin the game . If I'm wrong do whatever you want but if not don't unban him thanks
  6. Да он все время ругается, я его нормальным никогда не видел
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