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  • Birthday December 31

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  1. happened 2 times in the last 2 days, ursa after killing roshan 1st time he attacks some ghost or something, nothing around, no creeps, no nothing, he stays and attacks, can.t control or move untill roshan is respawned, after killing roshan, this will happen everywhere on map, somethimes in a fight, you make no dmg, because he attacks something "else", i tried to explain my best
  2. Minions from enigma to op, 350 dmg+last spell enigma min 6 all team ff, we can.t defend with 20 small minions, we die in seconds, reduce dmg for that ones back too 100dmg, agree?
  3. I played for 1 month, really strugle to improve stats, a lot if win games, finally 4.03 on 01.07.2024 19:00 hour, after 1 hour, bot was restarted for new map, my stats is erased, what's wrong? Nickname Hex99
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