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autormk abuse


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just finished a game where mercury and senzatie were enemies...they kicked 3 players one by one until autormk even was min 4 so they could ff .....end autormk shit please so let rats who cant take a defeat just fuking leave

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Hello Eco, you can watch the game and see what really happens:

1. The first player was kicked because he didn't respect the 3x2 rule on the creeps on minute 1 of the game

2. The second player had an errored connection to the server and was kicked in the minute number 2 by the bot

In minute 2 we were 3v5, with none of you wanted to rmk, so I am asking you, would you like to play games 3v5 from minute number 2? With other words please hesitate to call out loud persons "rats", you can post also the game, where you simply threated if there will be auto rmk you will report.

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well , im still here cuz i was unbaned , else i would filled my delete account request by now ....we had blood charge we were killing u like a machine gun....maybe is a nuance here not abuse but taking advantage of autormk....still if u had a bit of honor u would ff

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whatever any of us post here should have only one purpose , not attacking one or the other , but improving overall all of us gaming experience and fairness ...

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6 hours ago, eco said:

whatever any of us post here should have only one purpose , not attacking one or the other , but improving overall all of us gaming experience and fairness ...

Hello once again Eco, yes this should be the purpose, but not making the player rats. This helps our gaming experience and communication? I doubt


7 hours ago, eco said:

well , im still here cuz i was unbaned , else i would filled my delete account request by now ....we had blood charge we were killing u like a machine gun....maybe is a nuance here not abuse but taking advantage of autormk....still if u had a bit of honor u would ff

 It doesn't matter how many times I was killed. You don't really understand the purpose of Imba till now? It is a game, not a war, you should enjoy it not stay and watch every damn purpose of making it a life and death challenge. Honor? I do not have honor in an 3v5 from minute 2, it should be rmk, not FF because you had a good hero. I hope you will understand my point because this is my last reply on this topic, it is not worthen.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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u got some points , i close gproxy sometimes when no point in playing so ye....balance is between us somewhere...sry if i (still)get angry sometimes...im made mainly of gama radioation like infinity stones so y im like raging fire :)

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