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Ban: kayzer_sozze@ingame.go.ro
Ban Details
  1. Ban ID 296965
  2. Ban Server ingame.go.ro
  3. Banned Player kayzer_sozze
  4. Ban Created
  5. Gamename Gameid: 472453
  6. Banned By seline13
  7. Reason Game Ruining (ReportID: 8985 | EU)
  8. Expiration
Appeal Details
Why should we unban you?

Please unban. The denunciation was written to KOSMOS after I stopped him from stealing things. Then I played, and put the thing in the liver, and the space stood on the AFK fountain. They should give him a ban, not me.


Please unban.

Appeal Comments
  1. styla

    test @styla 123

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