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styla last won the day on February 15

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About styla

  • Birthday June 16

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  1. Hello. @ca1libri You can try a new fresh w3 installation, or mby a new windows reinstall?
  2. Привет. Можешь дать унбан

  3. What ingamero is not working

    Почему не работает у меня ингамеро бро


  4. Just install the new iCCup beta client from here: https://iccup.com/files/download/e10c921cd3e537d94fb0ab45ba31df6f/iCCup_BETA_Star_Launcher.html and then go and check "Custom" tab and find ***IMBA #game !
  5. Please make a list with: 1. Bug 1 2. Bug 2 3. Bug 3 4. Bug 4
  6. We proudly announce another update of the our DotA Imba Legends HostBot, the Blacklist or personal ban list - added by @h3rmit It works in the following way, a kind of advanced !deny, if an admin does not want a player in his games then he can use this feature and will autokick the blacklisted player. If balcklisted player(s) are already in the lobby, he will be kicked when admin join. Now an admin can add a maximum of 3 players, and only for Super Admins. The command does not work, of course, against other admins. !blacklist or !blk - will show your blacklisted players !blacklist name or !blk name- will add a player in admin personal blacklist !delblacklist name or !dblk name - will delete player name from admin personal blacklist !blacklist -on/off or !blk on /off - admin can turn off/on his banned players without remove them from the list Note. Commands like !os and !deny will not work if current hosting games are less than 3. Blacklisted players can join too.
  7. You already wrote the message above, but there were too many print screens Related to the error, there can be various causes, warcraft already open, read-only files... It's up to you, in the test I didn't have this error. And indeed you are right, the config in WFE was not fully set. You can now download again and test the keys Q, W, E, R , F, G, 1, 2, 3 etc... Check the Hotkeys TAB
  8. So the error is not about path Can you copy/paste the message? To translate ...
  9. Hello, For a test, use default keys and tell me if works for you. PS : DL again the client.
  10. @bio you should remove @ready.mamon restriction until this case is solved
  11. We proudly announce the latest update of the hostbot with Team Management - added and improved by @h3rmit, written by K[a]ne. There are some special features: -Players team up with friends and stay on the same team (Scource or Sentinel) even after autobalance! They can make and break the team, add or remove players from their team. Below are explanatory details with related commands and how they work. -Players with same IP are auto alocated in same team! Non admin commands, available for all players (for a short period of time): !team and !t - With !team styla you will invite player styla to be in your team. If he write !t then he will accept to be in your team. You can use command up to 3 players, but if you made unbalanced teams skill then the bot will NOT start the game and will disband all teams. You can invite several players at once: !team sty kucz doter Yes, you can use the abbreviated name for styla, kucza and 1mbadoter. Invited players should type !t to agree to join your team. After starting the game, you will be in the team with those you added. !teams - Will show in chat current players teams. !clearteam - Used to disbanded your team. Or to remove a player from your team. !clearteam name Admin commands: !clearteam - same as players command, command is available for all players. !clearteams - Used to disband all created teams. After is used message will be: "All teams has been disbanded!". This command should not be used. Abuse will be punished. Probably this command will be only for root access. !forceteam name or !ft name - Will force a player to be in his team. !forceteam styla - will add player styla in your team without his accepting with command !t Note. Commands are not fully tested and various bugs are possible, please report them.
  12. styla


    I see them as some techniques to annoy the enemy and make you lose your attention to the game, and such a thing is forbidden considering the written messages (similar to the painter), and next time he will be punished. Megumi will keep his mouth shut. Note. Do not start a topic swearing, because you also break the rules, and your credibility decreases. This topic will be deleted.
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