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  1. Game link: https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=470546 Votekik with no reason. Wasted 30 Minutes of my time to be kiked without proper reason. I did not want to make the items that he sugested , I did not wanted to share my HEro to people that I do not trust. Result...Votekik. Thank you: Best regards.
  2. game link : https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=468914 Proof: https://ibb.co/93vx2Cs Thank you.
  3. Hello guys. Where is Styler? Is nobody taking care of the Admin Abuse section ? What is the purpose of having this server / bot if it all a mess. Eco is doing as he pleases....Maryusake also. Item destroy kik bans etc... Does styler has control on this website / bot or not? Styler unde esti omule...ce se intampla?
  4. Game: https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?/Stats/RecentGames/&do=single&id=224671 User: Eco Votekik without reason Mute without reason Flame- "Kik this Rat" Replay download does not work for some reasons. This is the 100000 time when we see Eco rage mode ON. All the measures that you took Styler ...as you can see do not work. People never change....Times change. Will you do something about it?
  5. Game: https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?/Stats/RecentGames/&do=single&id=224088 Admin: RaDiaNT KIK without reason. https://ibb.co/2SkYJTz Hello guys. I hope you are well and in good health. I am Copyright.trade, an old player here. I was kicked without any reason, no Feed,No Flame..No Antigame...No AFK..no nothing. I was rounding the bush in our forest ,waiting for the mid creeps to come and made place for my team to farm without problems. I know the rules and I respect them. I have 1 ban for leave in the last 8 years. Styler,...serb.arxangel...guys...This Abuse of power must end. Please take action. Thank you. God Bless.
  6. Game: https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=77507 We were winning but Eco's frustrations was through the roof. I was kicked for no reason. I was not afk or something,just pushing through enemy base. 6 day / week I can not play because I work day and night. 1 day / week i have a little time to play with you guys,but every time some frustrated admin makes his own rules. STYLER please next time give admin more carefully. Tks.
  7. Installed eurobattle.net and automatically upgraded to 1.28 Now i can see the Ingame bot on battlenet...but i get this message..that I will be droped.
  8. EDIT: I do not have any Battle.net config files or Installs. TO install battle.net i must install v 1.28....and Styler Bot does not allow that...:(
  9. No luck guys. Changed the server but same Error. Invalid password. :(
  10. W3 vesion 1.26 Gproxy conf file edited.. war3version = 26 server = ingame.go.ro username = copyright.trade password = ********* Can somebody please Help me out?:( Did not play for 5 months...with you guys.. Thanks..
  11. Game: https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=54833 Ban: 1. empirevodhttps://ingame.ro/openstats/?u=104683 Leave 2.Viz.Mart https://ingame.ro/openstats/?u=104684 Leave 3.Ban User herohftxd;Dreddyk ;White___Collar;YAKUZ4 Reason 5 vs 3 REFUZE to RMK. Game ruin. The game link is up. Thanks.
  12. Ban user VIPSUMRAK https://ingame.ro/openstats/?u=104665 Overpower on Sniper Game Ruin Game: https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=54830
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