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mute insultes

  • Views: 46
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anyone , including admins if they insult using words like idiot , stupid , ecock , or other low brain words gets auto muted for 10 min and cant be unmuted . that solve also admin insult reports by preventing them and get rid of the trouble of reporting , check proof and so on . this also get us to the unreacheable so far nice and fun game environment which all need , even many dont realise it. we come to play this game for fun not to get stressed , not to insult others or to get insulted by others . and even more , if a player gets auto muted 3 times in a day he gets muted for the rest of the day . would be nice if this apply to lobby too . will get some work to get a civilized bot here but we get there if we act on prevention and punish insult more than before . i hope this get to you my friends and you agree with my proposal . thanks and enjoy your day !

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