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statistic system/balance

  • Views: 47
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so correct me if im wrong but !sd= stats supposed to be the value of a player !

ok , so 1 guy with 2 games and 0-20 score( biggest feeder ever) have god stats 4,05 sd and me with 20k games and 5,3-3.9 score = not feeder have 2,99 sd

so i get 4 "pros" like that in team vs 3 normal guys with over 4k games and guess what , is a total waste of time no matter spells , because....o yes no balance


i just have a 1v3 game while the pro in my team ofc was one with few games and god stats and useless ofc , so styla i mean to tell you this for a long time the statistic as they are now are not realistic

here are few ideas what should matter on stats !sd :

1 . score thats the first cuz if a player have 10-5 score after 5000 games hes obviously a good player

2. number of games a player with feed stats like 4-5 and 5000 games beat every time a player with 6-2 score and 4 games , because hes better player ( experience matters)

these are just 2 that i consider to be first criteria that should matter in a player stats but obviously other criteria can be taken into account .

please guys who read this comment or message styla about your opinion on this matter , thanks

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