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  1. molotovboy stop insult. poor education. and u noob too so leave game
  2. no no no, you cant go wc when rax fall. you afk becasue all game you ff. the rest only lies jetsix u beter shut up. you kick enemy players to win, what a noob
  3. put a link with game to comment the game toghter. I tell u 5 times to clean roshan mines, but u lead team to push and die every time, and BLAME me. you doing on purpose becasue u are a hater. but after i kick you we win in 5 minutes, very soft and easy.
  4. i7po я удалил бан тебе несколько часов спустя, даже если ты сделал антигейм си ай статист ла фантана klamatoroski rules said if u have under 100 game and play good i can ban you
  5. lets read all chat. you start call me "dolboeb" and is fine for you. I used same word vs you then u ask for a ban. Really?
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