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  1. Well, when I had w3mhdet in my directory it would say that fog clicks occur the moment you click a hero that goes into fog less than a second later. The same thing happened with a fog click detector in a previous imba version. I am also using server.eurobattle.net's gproxy. So I would have to have hacks that bypasses its gproxy. I don't mind if you force gproxy me, the results would be the same (that i don't have hacks). Anyways, I uploaded the replay so you can confirm it for yourself.
  2. I just played an imba dota game on the ingame bot and then happened to verse a guy called "ady_dota". I just noticed that other players had the same issues as I have with this person (they posted in this thread as well). So to stop myself from repeating what was said about ady, I will attach the relevant replay as proof of these claims against him. ady_dota abuse.w3g
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