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Recep Karakuş

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Recep Karakuş last won the day on September 6

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About Recep Karakuş

  • Birthday 01/01/1986

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  1. This is not the playground for such idiots. Have you ever seen such an idiot before? You will see it in the photo. Only idiots who don't know how to play do that We choose this man as imba's idiot shakhob595
  2. We don't have to close the game every time you lose, you can't spoil my enjoyment of the game just because you don't know how to play. I want to compensate the money that admins like you give to the site, as long as idiots like you are not on this platform.
  3. I will stop insulting you when you learn to be human
  4. I was kicked out of the game, I didn't leave the game , I played around 5000+ games, I do not leave any games on this server , There may be a mistake in the connection or the game, you could learn it by asking, but you and others like you are in this game to satisfy your ego.
  5. This foolish admin who doesn't know the game, the right to ban must be taken unjustly
  6. This stupid admin ysocreal , banning players who play better than him , fuck off ysocreal , delete game ıdyot
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