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Everything posted by IEDQDD

  1. Why should I !ff if the players are dropped by game or connection? !vk is not available when there are 2 players.
  2. https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=503137 Mutes me for no reason. Then abuses right after. Because I am muted the team does not know that the spectre is slark. 2 minutes after, he spams chat with ff. Did not excuse even the team wins.
  3. The reason why I never pick Alch ulty unless I am sure we have axe in the team. So much annoying bug
  4. But why the team has to ff if it is 2x4 or 2x5?
  5. Auto RMK sometimes does not work For example in this game in the end https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=501680
  6. @styla no. Look at this game. https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=500687 First death, then later again it doenot work
  7. https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=497291 Just left the game randomly. Many times verbal abusing everyone around in previous games .
  8. At the moment, the updates are only at the "downloads -> Maps -> DotA Imba Legends Would be nice to have a small message or a widget on the main page with the latest changes and link to downloads for it.
  9. Looks like when scorpion dies instantly the ult is not triggered upon death.
  10. A special label on such spells-icon would be great. Something like the item numbers count.
  11. Some players have a clinical state when they are binding "-clear" for the key and press it like every 15 seconds. This makes chat spammy and leads to players missing important messages from teammates.
  12. Noticed this behaviour also affects the "mana buff". When you have luck, you can see the mana animation, it goes full and resets to 0 immediately. Also it looks for me this behaviour is more often when you are under effect of the enemy's "meledict".
  13. At the moment we have rating system which is a number followed by a word. You cannot understand what is worse to be "stupid" or "feeder" etc. Especially when someone with 150 games is "GOD" My suggestion is to replace the words with number 1, 2, 3, 4,.. or anything else more predictable
  14. Ban appeals should not be proceeded by the admin who gave the ban. Would be nice to have the 3rd-party admin who review the situation and approve or reject the ban appeal.
  15. IEDQDD

    void bash

    I believe this is a standard war3 mechanics. Like the target is disabled and not attacking you, so the hero switches to the enemy that is active
  16. Hi all, At the moment we have rating system which is a number followed by a word. My suggestion is to replace the words with number 1, 2, 3, 4,.. etc.
  17. Morphling hero using berserk troll skill results an instant death with heroic martydoom.
  18. kosms1998 Ruined game and ricked player because he could not win https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?app=sharedstats&module=stats&controller=recentGames&do=single&id=392806
  19. Eco is ready to waste everyone's 40 minutes to prove he is eco... 40 min lvl 2 base not afk not leave https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?app=sharedstats&module=stats&controller=recentGames&do=single&id=390853
  20. Admin azumi abused and blamed players all over the game. Banned for abuse. What a turn. https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?/Stats/Appeal/View/4950/ Admin rejects ban appeal about ban he made without any comment. This looks strange.
  21. https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?/Stats/Appeal/View/4856/ Frantel abuse, kick and ban. Then rejects appeal by himself. This looks like improvement for the ban appeal logic: Admin who made ban to player cannot review the ban appeal about his ban.
  22. For unknow reason my rating sometimes stuck with value 2,99. Then this just fixes itself. This behaviour us annoying ^_^
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