igrali fakti4eski 2x5 i posmotrite prosto na nawi skilu i na skilu oponentov aks agr taid sk stan hex fantom magnus + kopii s bawerom i kagda stalo pon9tno 4to 0 wansov na pobedu 9 napisal ff fakti4eski on zabanil men9 za ff eto 4to vawe?.... kak eto....
we played 2x5 because xin only has zeus ult and thets all, and look at the opponents' skills aggr taid sk stun + magnus + copies with basher. And when it became clear that there was 0 chance of winning, ff wrote and he banned me for anti-game!!!.... what??? How is this even possible??? what is going on .......... anti-game for real?
actually its ban for ff
when you bought the admin and feel like a god, you can abuse as you want.....
@serb.arxangel @styla @sel1ne13