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  • Birthday 07/24/1989

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  1. Заберите права у этого чудика, плиз. https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/Report/View/9822/ Жалобу отклонили, послали сюда
  2. Уровень охуевшости сильно подскакивает с наличием прав Тело не адекватное явно. Судя по пику, тело по кд ставил томб, и улетал на фонтан, пока чуваков дрючили имбалансным пиком. В итоге он молодец, всего два разика помер, и как вы смели на меня !vk написать))
  3. Тот случай, когда кто то привёл маму на форум
  4. deep

    Conjure image issue

    Ну и стабильность карты снизилась в разы:( Уже третий краш war.exe за 10 игр словил.
  5. deep

    Conjure image issue

    +1 Это цирк просто а не КД. Хрен с ним, добавьте секунд 10, но 160? Вы серьезно?
  6. deep

    Admin abuse

    Этот пост не для амнистии, совсем не сложно посидеть пару дней. Просто хочу что бы о подобных случаях знали. К сожалению, многие ребята покупают админку чтобы банить когда им хочется, а не согласно правилам. Хотя по сути покупка админ прав, это поддержка проекта, и некоторые профиты для удобства игры. В любом случае спасибо, что обратили внимание, значит был смысл в этом посте This post is not for amnesty, it is not difficult to sit for a couple of days. I just want to be aware of such cases. Unfortunately, many guys buy admins to ban when they want, but not according to the rules. Although in fact buying admin rights, this is support for the project, and some profits for the convenience of the game. In any case, thanks for paying attention, it made sense in this post
  7. deep

    Admin abuse

    Этот пост не для амнистии, совсем не сложно посидеть пару дней. Просто хочу что бы о подобных случаях знали. К сожалению, многие ребята покупают админку чтобы банить когда им хочется, а не согласно правилам. Хотя по сути покупка админ прав, это поддержка проекта, и некоторые профиты для удобства игры. В любом случае спасибо, что обратили внимание, значит был смысл в этом посте This post is not for amnesty, it is not difficult to sit for a couple of days. I just want to be aware of such cases. Unfortunately, many guys buy admins to ban when they want, but not according to the rules. Although in fact buying admin rights, this is support for the project, and some profits for the convenience of the game. In any case, thanks for paying attention, it made sense in this post
  8. deep

    Admin abuse

    Meet the new hero of law enforcement, under the original nickname WickedSick. The fact that this comrade is "Wicked", he basically confirms with his actions. Again the admin rights bought a dude with a Napoleon complex. He spammed FF in the chat, on the offer to leave to stop the suffering, because there are admin rights and nothing will happen, responded with a ban. When asked why the ban, replied Insult. Where there insult, evaluate for yourself. In general, no problem, I do not mind a couple of days do not play, I just want everyone to know the inadequates in person. PS Ah yes, the game of course we won, and the Kyrgyz finished the game, and did not find support for his FF. Встречайте нового героя правопорядка, под оригинальным ником WickedSick. То что данный товарищ "Wicked", он в принципе подтверждает своим поступком. Снова админ права купил чувак с комплексом наполеона. Он cпамил FF в чат, на предложение ливнуть чтоб прекратить страдания, т.к. есть админ права и ничего не будет, ответил баном. На вопрос почему бан, ответил Insult. Где там insult оцените сами. Вообще не вопрос, мне не сложно пару дней не играть, просто хочу чтоб все знали неадекватов в лицо. PS Ах да, игру мы конечно же выиграли, и данный Кыргыз таки доиграл, так и не нашедший поддержки своего FF. https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=403332
  9. deep

    Admin abuse

    I didn't know, thanks. This is fine, and explains why he uses deny, to me. You can't change the essence, the ban was removed, so at least you can kick, already something:) I think such people enjoy it, like people who enjoy domestic violence.
  10. deep

    Admin abuse

    The abuse by wehaveahulk continues. After a couple of complaints in this thread, he found another way. Now he does not ban me, but does deny, from every game where this donater is located. Considering the fact that he plays almost always in the evening, I can't play normally. Until when will this inadequate person abuse his paid rights? How many more complaints do you need against him to take action?
  11. deep

    Admin abuse

    Again, his Majesty wehaveahulk was insulted by a pathetic NOadmin, and for that, this nonentity who does not donate, was banned. I'll sit and think about my behavior. I hope justice itself was satisfied. Apparently, in order to play on this server, you need to look for a way to pour 10 euros on PayPal. Then I will have the opportunity, like all sorts of eco, just stand afc, rain, destroy the game when I don't have an imbic peak. https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?/Stats/RecentGames/&do=single&id=296949 24:50[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: deep eco admin, he can destroy rules 25:33[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: deep when i afk, ban 2 days from hulk 25:50[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulk not just me ban you all admin will ban you 25:51[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: eco the universe is uneven mate 25:54[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulk dont use my name only 26:12[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: deep why eco not kick and ban? 26:21[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulkexplain how? 26:25[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulkteach me how and i will 26:30[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulkoh you cant 26:34[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulkso shut your mouth then 26:59[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulkif you dont know what you are saying dont speak all you do is chat nonsense 27:01[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: deep no you shut mouth 27:06[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: deep wtf 27:14[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulkyea u only chat shit 27:15[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: deep trash talk with me 27:18[Всеies] [ТЬМА ]: wehaveahulkno substance 27:21[Ing]:Player [deep ] was banned by player [wehaveahulk] for the next [2] days.
  12. deep

    Admin abuse

    https://www.ingame.ro/index.php?/Stats/RecentGames/&do=single&id=294141 Wehaveahulk is a totally inadequate dude. He imagines himself to be a god. He pointed out the whole game what to collect. Wanted tarasque, Wehaveahulk told me to collect orchids. Please show me the line in the rules where I am obliged to collect what the administrator says. As a result, he gave me a ban because I did not obey his majesty. Was hiding behind the teamplay rule. It’s unlikely that I’m going to get banned, but I want to say, you’re sick. Go to the police, there people like you will come in handy. Megalomania is welcome there, and there you will receive more power, you can even use violence against people.
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