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Temirlan Bolotov

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Temirlan Bolotov last won the day on July 6

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About Temirlan Bolotov

  • Birthday 06/08/2000

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  1. Gryphon rider's skill the only one he has is bug You die no matter how much or little health you have you will die anyway and it's too early for him
  2. not fixed bug actually on 6.63.8y version
  3. Имба держится на таких ребят которые донатят на привелегии и таким образом поддерживают проект.
  4. Aghanim's scepter does not work on the miner, or rather does not remove the cd on the bomb Aghanim. Increases damage to 450/600/750 and also increases cast range in dota allstars but in imba mode he also remove the CD
  5. Statistics reset at the beginning of the month this happens every time. if you have a really good skill, you can easily return your previous statistics
  6. In this game: https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=482677 alchemist took Visage's skill 2 which gives him high attack damage. Alchemist 8 lvl +903dmg with this bugged ability casually destroy T2 in 3 minutes of play I cant attach screenshots because the file size is large.
  7. В гугле ищешь Иконку нужную абилку или арт
  8. This item Planeswalker cloak for 500 gold can easily bugs Ezalor's illuminate simply by taking it into inventory After the bug you can't damage and in the end it's just -1 skill
  9. There is a point in the rules where you cannot use: 5. Permanent Focus Fire is not allowed or witch doctor ultimate bug, ban 2 days. 11. Do not cast multi gobins from Clock hero, 2 days ban. You can get ban for this, but not for actual bugs @styla
  10. New update, new rules I propose to update and add new game rules and punishment for each game update, and punish for unfair play Some weak players uses bugs in game and its sad, Some good players got killed by bug users and get banned for FEED and that's unjustly
  11. The game will slowly die with these new bugs, it would be better not to update the map. And it's not like before, when there were 10 launched games. Those times were the peak of ingamero. The latest update looks like it's introducing more bugs.
  12. Так напиши жалобу то и всё, а там посмотрим будет ли банить его или нет)
  13. Ну он вообще-то диагноз поставил) есть такой болезнь. А вот ты нормально так заслужил за свои слова
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