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  1. Now I am unbanned, but why that happen at first place
  2. The level of improper bans gets ridiculous these days. Another ban by boberkyrba with the only reason that I tried to vote kick him after 4 of 5 ffs Game link: https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=507862
  3. https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=84625 Hello, could u pls unban me. I did not leave voluntarly i swear. Thank u in advance
  4. Hello, could you, please write me why i am banned? Thank you in advance
  5. https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=75146
  6. Please, unban https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=75145 my warcraft crashed
  7. https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=73790 Hello. Could you please unban me. I saved a game 1:30 before start because i choose skills and hero but there was no hero. It happened twice and this time i saved it. Please unban.
  8. https://ingame.ro/openstats/?game=67298 I guess i am banned for leaving the game, but i saw dream leaving and i tought if he does this it is no banable. I wrote !ff and left. I am sorry, please unban
  9. Hello, I am banned because after the instalation of gproxy on the first time i entered the game it was written that suspicious files are detected. I have 90 days ban now. Seems the suspicious file was loader.mix. I asked for help cause i had no idea that i have this file. Then i found it and delete it. I never use hacks. Please unban me. Thank you in advance for your help and time.
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