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Sultonbek Jamilbekov

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  1. then let your differences remain among yourselves and not spoil the rest of the game. the command !mute could have been used. and not abuse your authority
  2. acquiring the skill is your decision. well, you would have brains, 6 tinker, enigma 2 and fast push! What can you say to this? 22:43[Ing]:dark.equalizer was kicked by player [Luna44]. 22:43[Всеies] [СВЕТ ]: Luna44!kick dark If he insulted you, write a report after the game. from Kik we lost
  3. https://ingame.go.ro/Stats/RecentGames/?do=single&id=516664 he died a couple of times and immediately wrote ff, during the game there was afk. (a play on words began without swearing), but there was no reason for a kick 22:43[Ing]:dark.equalizer was kicked by player [Luna44]. 22:43[Всеies] [СВЕТ ]: Luna44!kick dark (a play on words without swearing began), but there was no reason for a kick 34:13[Ing]:sultan_king3 was kicked by player [Luna44]. 34:13[Всеies] [СВЕТ ]: Luna44!kick sul
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