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    I have baratyrm skils .I haven’t been afk for a second in the game, if I stood still it means I’m trying to throw acceleration at someone... a person has simply acquired skills that he himself cannot do something and cannot help the team and is looking for someone to blame for this.... besides, this is the 2nd time he has done this.... inadequate admin... @sel1ne13@styla
  5. he s mh chek him somewane https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?app=sharedstats&module=stats&controller=recentGames&do=single&id=471823
  6. "lying trolls" - is it most of the experienced server players ? because they know what you are ... a selfish narcissistic creature who abuses the administrator for his own selfish purposes. The number of complaints about you from these players is proof of this. Too bad they @styla @serb.arxangel don't see it....
  7. 10 тем про неадекватность этого персонажа как админа как говорится если оно плавает как гусь выглядит как гусь и крякает как гусь то наверно ето.... ГУСЬ !
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