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Gproxy tutorial


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Download ingame Gproxy

 This version will scan in warcraft 3 folder for .mix files and report to the bot and ban positive results. 

Config. and usage:
1. Unarchive files
2. Open gproxy.cfg and modify the game path with your instalation w3 path :

war3path = C:\Warcraft III\ 

atention at \ from the end of line

Your account and password regsitred at INGAME realm, here are a LINK with instructions.

username = styler
password = password123
then save modification.

3. Run gproxy.exe
4. Warcraft 3 will be open, go LAN, and wait 5-30 seconds to see the game name and join, have fun!
If you have a router, forward port 6325.

Wisp command: 
You must use /re for reply, not /r

Advantages of gproxy:

  1. You can join when game is full (safelisted)
  2. Faster time to join in lobby (auto start warctaft 3,and you just press LAN games)
  3. Reconnect protection (if you lose connection then you can reconnect back to game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTwMtWNLmA0 )
  4. Checked if you have mh ( no more acusation)
  5. Auto spoofcheck
  6. Alt tab to the game if started if you aren't in game.
  7. You can be warned by an admin if game start with comand !slap: you will hear a wake up sound.
  8. Admins can use !scan name command to check suspects players for mh.

Notes: the scan feature is not 100% accurate.
Added some countryes in forced list: A1
List of forced players: openstats/?gproxy

  • 2 years later...
  • Administrators

Can you test again? When you took the print I made a test.

  • Administrators

Please try with this version. And run realms.reg

Post your gproxy.cffg without password.

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