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  • 5 months later...

Скилы батрейдера переписать или удалить вообще, так как работают только на ему одному, + багнутый фаерфлай.
UnitMakeAbilityPermanent для баша бары, 2+3 скилы баланара, 3 бруды(поправить допустимые цели), 3 морфа(?)  - что бы они не исчезали после трансформации.

Убрать дерево трента, слишком много деревьев вызывают десинхрон и вылет карты.
Духам баньши дать москитов "Aloc"
trrreeeeee.mdx - удалить с карты.
Исправить описание при выбраном бафе: Team Buff
1 баф работает только на пару спелов, как вариант дать ему IM абилку Orhid +35% mag dmg

  • Administrators
On 06.04.2016 at 5:08 PM, Евгений Подорожний said:

Skills batreydera rewrite or delete at all, since only work on him alone, + buggy faerflay.
UnitMakeAbilityPermanent to bash bars, 2 + 3 skills balanara, 3 Brood (correct acceptable purposes), 3 morph (?) - That they did not disappear after the transformation.
Remove Trent tree, trees produce too much desinhron and departure cards.
Spirits banshee give mosquitoes "Aloc"
trrreeeeee.mdx - to remove from the map.
Correct description with the chosen bafe: Team Buff
1 buff only works for a couple of spells, as an option to give it IM abilities Orhid + 35% mag dmg

so you know JASS, maybe you can help us to improve the map?

Posted (edited)

Дагер поправь
что бы не сбивался от удара по твоих илюзиях

 найди if IsUnitType(s,UNIT_TYPE_HERO)==false or IsUnitIllusion(s)==false or J then
и замени на
if IsUnitType(s,UNIT_TYPE_HERO)==false or IsUnitIllusion(s)==true or J then

Баг с абилкой жезла иллюзий. Иммунные к магии герои не могут создать илюзий с руны/2 скила терорблейда. Нужно поправить допустимые цели.

reptm выставь 1 что бы не было кулдауна на выбор героев.

3 бруды работает на варды
1 бруды работает на илюзии


Edited by Евгений Подорожний

Wave Morf/Wild Axe/Ultimate Storm Panda одинаковый приказ забань одновременный пик 2 спелов

function MMMN_NMNM takes nothing returns boolean
if GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677382 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677623 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677392 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093679450 or(GetUnitPointValue(GetTriggerUnit())==500 and MNMNM_M(GetSpellAbilityId()))then

Убери проверку, пускай все скилы активируют 3 скилл лины а не только родные.

Аналогично с ультом бристла

function NMMNN_MM takes nothing returns boolean
local boolean b=GetSpellAbilityId()==1093683024 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093682775 or(GetUnitPointValue(GetTriggerUnit())==500 and MNMNM_M(GetSpellAbilityId()))

Ульта питлорда вызывает лаги. Возьми за основу 2 скил дума и кастуй его даммиком.

  • Administrators
5 hours ago, Евгений Подорожний said:

Daguerre straighten
to not stray from the blow to the illusion of your find if IsUnitType (s, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == false or IsUnitIllusion (s) == false or J then
and replaced with
if IsUnitType (s, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == false or IsUnitIllusion (s) == true or J then
Bug abilities rod illusions. Immune to magic characters can not create ilyuzy with runes / 2 terorbleyda skill. It is necessary to fix the permissible purpose.
reptm expose one that would not be the choice of hero cooldown.
3 Brood working on wards
1 Brood working on ilyuzy
Crete Ulta TXD coming over the edge of the map (bottom).
Wave Morf / Wild Axe / Ultimate Storm Panda same order banned simultaneous peak 2 spells
function MMMN_NMNM takes nothing returns boolean
if GetSpellAbilityId () == 1093677382 or GetSpellAbilityId () == 1093677623 or GetSpellAbilityId () == 1093677392 or GetSpellAbilityId () == 1093679450 or (GetUnitPointValue (GetTriggerUnit ()) == 500 and MNMNM_M (GetSpellAbilityId ())) then
Get tested, let all skills activate Lina 3 skill and not just relatives.
Similarly with Ulta bristla
function NMMNN_MM takes nothing returns boolean
local boolean b = GetSpellAbilityId () == 1093683024 or GetSpellAbilityId () == 1093682775 or (GetUnitPointValue (GetTriggerUnit ()) == 500 and MNMNM_M (GetSpellAbilityId ()))
Ulta pitlorda causes lag. Take the basis of 2 skill and thought of his caste dammikom.

good, can u write in english? PM me

Posted (edited)

Dager fix on ilusion

if IsUnitType(s,UNIT_TYPE_HERO)==false or IsUnitIllusion(s)==false or J then

change to

if IsUnitType(s,UNIT_TYPE_HERO)==false or IsUnitIllusion(s)==true or J then

Bug  rod of ilusion. If hero have magic immune bkb/repel the illusion of a rune / skill 2 terrorblade not create.
Possible targets fix.

"reptm" -> 1 hero cd on pick remove can see on 2.5.9 imba

3 skill Broodmother work on ward Rasta/Venom/VD
1 skill BroodMother work on ilusion add hp/armor/size

TXD ultimate critical erorr

Wave Morf/Wild Axe/Ultimate Storm Panda same order

3 skill Lina
function MMMN_NMNM takes nothing returns boolean
if GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677382 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677623 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677392 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093679450 or(GetUnitPointValue(GetTriggerUnit())==500 and MNMNM_M(GetSpellAbilityId()))then
Remove GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677382 and etc that would work for all spell

Ultimate Bristleback
function NMMNN_MM takes nothing returns boolean
local boolean b=GetSpellAbilityId()==1093683024 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093682775 or(GetUnitPointValue(GetTriggerUnit())==500 and MNMNM_M(GetSpellAbilityId()))

Pit Lord Ult create some lag
create dammy add/cast abiliti based on 2 skill Doom Bringer


Edited by Евгений Подорожний

Add visibliti on minimap roshan
unitui H900 hideOnMinimap del
and make limit roshan

SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed etc



1 warlock - block heal aba ult 
4 bs - byeback/teleport in lag 0.25s and death
not dispel on death this spell




AI new neutrals. spawn zones
Main dev so stupid.  returned changes make me:
doom lvl creep lvl 2 and 3 lvl abi

gnoll poision
MakePermanent morf abi etc
zoom camera
trent ward

sell Quelling Blade


and broke zeus bolt haha


some balans fix
Add gem cd stockregen -->300

function SaleGem takes nothing returns nothing
local integer id=GetItemTypeId(GetSoldItem())
local unit u=GetBuyingUnit()
local player p=GetOwningPlayer(u)
local unit s=GetSellingUnit()
if GetItemTypeId(GetSoldItem())=='I04D' then
call RemoveItemFromStock(s,'I04D')
set s=GetHandleId(s)
call AddItemToStock(s,'I04D',1,1)


  • Administrators


Fixed Roshan availability
Added "check visibility" for Fiery soul visual effects
Fixed some abilities disappearing on morph (Greater bash)
Added locust to Exorcism's spirits
Fixed Dagger and assists iteraction with allied units beind damaged (dagger no longer being disabled)
Fixed illusion rune & TB's illusion skill iteraction with spell immunity
Fixed Incapacitating Bite targeting
Fixed Macropyre fatal error
Fixed various passive spells iteractions with selected hero (Aftershock etc)
Fixed hero Roshan minimap icon missing
Rupture no longer triggers if distance change bigger than 1300
Rupture no longer persists through a real death
Fixed Devour abilities + morph iteraction




Zeus ultimate aghanim

fix dmg/text or make not block linkin sphere if you have aghanim



Some spell have 0 mancost morf medusa/balanar ult and can uses

medusa 1 skill


medusa 1 add manacost 1 lvl or remove mana zone indictor -1000000000 etc


some balans fix
Add gem cd stockregen -->300

function SaleGem takes nothing returns nothing
local integer id=GetItemTypeId(GetSoldItem())
local unit u=GetBuyingUnit()
local player p=GetOwningPlayer(u)
local unit s=GetSellingUnit()
if GetItemTypeId(GetSoldItem())=='I04D' then
call RemoveItemFromStock(s,'I04D')
set s=GetHandleId(s)
call AddItemToStock(s,'I04D',1,1)




tell me if i miss somthing from this topic, google translator is not ok all time.



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