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What is happening?

In 2 hours I had like 5-6 disconnects, and I had 2-3 per day last week, usually I have no problems and If I had some, I was switching IP´s connection and Gproxy was reconnecting me, but now nothing helps me. Today is terrible, the whole day disconnect, wtf....


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Please fix the connection thing and delete all my 08.04.2020 cause it is terrible, every game or me or some of another players have disconnects today, impossible to enjoy any game, I don't remember something similar...

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14 минут назад, Alexey Nikolaev сказал:

Please fix the connection thing and delete all my 08.04.2020 cause it is terrible, every game or me or some of another players have disconnects today, impossible to enjoy any game, I don't remember something similar...

oh, no, doesnt matter, I found the way to enter BREKBONS account on forum finally..

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I am getting this a lot too.. I now have a leaver account of roughly 11 but i've only actually left like 2 or 3 games..

Often the game just shuts down completely for no reason. 

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Hi, i need details

the bot was restarted (crash)? or you are droped from a game? do you used a command before drop?

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For me the game just completely closes down for no reason, no commands done, no errors pop up. Sometimes it also disconnects from the server and never reconnects even though my internet connection was fine. It's causing my leaver count to go up ALOT. As I said I am at 11 or so when I've only really left a few games.  

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