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IMPORTANT: It has become impossible to play, please take action.

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Posted (edited)

In reality, it has become impossible to play lately, you go into the game for the first time and wait until the room is typed for 30-40 minutes.

One of the admins enters! Os 3+ \ 4+, and he throws you out, or closes the slots and launches his team for 1-2, under which he registers the slots.

Proofs, and so on, just do not have time to do, because they instantly throw them out of the room, and in principle, 80-85% of administrators do this.

I understand everything, I want to play the game,
tired of noob and liver.


1) The game will not develop without new players, respectively, and there will be no donation.

2) I have, for example, 1700 games +, statistics are both noob and average and pro (drop statistics for a couple of skating rinks, I don’t fight for statistics or the title of GOD and I can pik tank and have 20
death, but win the game), and I think most he knows the players, but it happens that you can’t get into the game for 1-2 hours, every time after! os stupidly kicks, but I’m not NOOB, I play well, it is very annoying, it never happened before, now it’s all nearby. I think I'm not one of those old players.

the game started in THE GAME, ALL YOU WANT A BATH, YOU WANT A MUTT and MORE.

Edited by ra4y_rde_xo4y

ask them to do a special bot for you and for all noob ranks to play there....i personal will os 3.2 every time....because i come tired from work and want ro relax few games and i cant do that because always 1 noob rank is ruining all mood and games

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each of us started with the rank of noob but we didn’t interfere with playing like now, I said that I understand why they do it, but when 80-90% of admins do it, waiting for the game for more than an hour just doesn’t make sense, and new players don’t leave due to balance, and due to the lack of the ability to play.
about the crash of the game, I saw and I know for 1700 games there are a lot of players with stasus (average and pro and hight stats) who pour numbered (having several accounts), who put afk because of a bad peak, who pump the forest so that their status does not fall (average and pro and hight stats), thereby reaching the cherished statuses (average and pro and hight stats), and also I know many players who are noob, who do not bother with the status of the last effort to win the game, while their rating will be lower, for example, they will have 10 killers and 20 deaths, but he tanked and agril taking a hit, and the rest killed and so on and their score will be 10: 3, also m I can give examples of the game of players with stasus (average and pro and hight stats) who can farm the forest for 30 minutes without helping to protect the lines and do not help other players, and end the game with a score of 3: 1, 5: 2 or 0: 2 and he doesn’t leave the forest at all that he came across bad skills, so as not to lose his cherished status (average and pro and hight stats).

Yes, my rank from (very good) has become (noob), but many admins are keen on me and they know that I play well and there are a lot of people like me, they just write to the Russian-language forum where there is no answer at all, or there is no normal admin or moderator.
The idea of creating a separate bot for (average and pro and hight stats) in my opinion is very good. It would be easier for both professional players and beginners, and people like me would probably begin to strive to raise their status (average and pro and hight stats) to play with games of decent levels, at the moment there isn’t much sense in this, and the imbalance is very strong.

  • Administrators

The real problem are the new accounts. Pro players join in lobby with skill 3.00 and the balance are destroyed. the !os 3.1 command can solve this issue

Other options:

1. Players with skill 3.00 cant join the game

2. If skill = 3.00 then players can join only in late hours/ the morning.

  • Administrators

Both options are ON!

now we have less fake accounts and less map hackers (shield ON). But less players...


Hi, how is the rating calculated? I play to the maximum of my abilities :D, and the rating is about 2.9 + -. Destroy towers, kill more deaths, usually. I don’t leaver. How to become at least 3.1

16 часов назад, ra4y_rde_xo4y сказал:

Если сравнить статистику с твоей https://www.ingame.ro/Stats/TopList/?do=single&id=233029

то у меня только процент убийств на 1.4% меньше, а все остальное больше, но у тебя скилл 3.28, а у меня 2.86, и он так и держится около 2.9

3 часа назад, ahtuheutpuho1 сказал:

Если сравнить статистику с твоей https://www.ingame.ro/Stats/TopList/?do=single&id=233029

то у меня только процент убийств на 1.4% меньше, а все остальное больше, но у тебя скилл 3.28, а у меня 2.86, и он так и держится около 2.9

Только учитывай , что у тебя 900 игр , а у меня 1700+)

3 часа назад, ra4y_rde_xo4y сказал:

Только учитывай , что у тебя 900 игр , а у меня 1700+)

Твои проценты просто точнее в 2 раза, но по факту, показатели меньше моих, а вот скил выше. Не понимаю я, как рассчитывается скил...

  • Administrators



The skill is made kills/deaths score. IF skill is less than 2.99 then will be auto fixed to 2.99.

Wins and losses matter for the top players.


But the skill is monthly, that's mean every new month is reset to 3.  


If you die less, your skill will be increases.




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