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DotA Imba Legends v6.63 series
Know issues:
- Some combinations of skills can't be picked (and are not forbidden combinations). ORDER ID issue.
What's New in Version 6.63z10 See changelog
Decreased Techie ulti CD with aganim from 5/5/5 to 5/4/2. At level 16 we have 2 sec CD
Banned combo: Lich, Dark Ritual + Rexar, Call of the wind (Bird+Pig)
Lich, Dark Ritual: DMG and Attack Speed nerfed.
- Increased speall dmg buff from 1 to 1.1
- Improved Magic Bottle item: hp/mana from 135/70 to 700/350, regen speed from 3 sec to 2 sec.
- Blue Rune called "Pithon;s Mask". From +10 and 200 mana regen to +50 and 400 mana regen. For opposite, reduces nearby enemy units(500 AOE) -50 armor, -400% mana regen.
- Pit lord , Firestorm decreased Karabour DMG bonus by 40%
- Enigma , Midnight pulse CD 30 to 45
- Rexar, Call of the wind. cd from 40 to 90 sec
- Visage, Soul assumption - Nerfed from a max dmg of 32 to 20.
- Enigma, Black Hole AOE decreased to 850
- Zombie, Decay decreased strenght steal from 25 to 8, CD 13/12/11/10 s
- Axe, Battle Hunger decreased DMG to 0.7 *LvL
- Doom, LvL Death decreased DMG with 100.
- Voljin Doctor, Paralyzing casks. Gradually DMG: 90/180/270/360
- Thinker, Laser Gradually DMG: 200/400/500/700
- Thinker, Heat Sinking Missle Gradually DMG.
- Ethereal Hunter,Ethereal Guards CD increased from 12s to 45 s
- Omni, Repel decreased duration from 10/15/20/30 sec to 5/10/15/20 sec
- Improved Pudge ulti DMG with Aganim.
- Admiral Kunkka, Torrent Improved DMG
- Gondar Shuriken Toss, Improved DMG and duration
- Griphon Rider, Heart Strike skill DMG multiplier nerfed from 1.4 to 1.25
- Troll, Rampage CD from 100 to 50
- Lanaya, Meld improved DMG to 200/400/600/1000
- Morph, Adaptive strike DMG Improved from 3x to 4x
- Tuskar, Ice shards improved DMG from 150*lvl to 250*lvl
- Tuskar, Snowball improved DMG from 150*lvl to 250*lvl
- Mortred, Coupe de Grace and Svean, Great Cleave - will works only on melee heroes
- Yurnero, Heal ward duration from 25 sec 12; Heal rate increased from 2/3/4/5% to 5/10/20/30%
- Wisp, Octobeam CD from 14 to 30
- Razor, Static Link increased DMG
- Sven, Warcry buff duration from 6 to 14 s
- Night Elf Assasin, Strangulation DMG from 300/500/700 to 250/300/370
- Rhasta, Witchcraft energy DMG from 400/500/600/800 to 150/250/350/450
- Mirana, Starfall DMG decreased (still high and can be improved by Crystal Spire of Karabor)
- Balanar, Void DMG from 200/300/400/500 to 300/400/500/700
- Pandaren Brewmaster, Thunder Clap DMG from 200/300/400/500 to [100.+200.*i]
- Ancient Coatl, Frost cage disabled
- Ancient Coatl, Frost shield duration from 10 to 15 sec
- Rexar, Wild axes DMG from 250/300/350/400 to 20 +60.*lvl
- Yurnero, Healing ward regen decreased to 2/4/8/10%
- Ehetal Hunter, Virtual Partricle Gun DMG from 220/280/360/420 300/400/500/600
- Venge, Wave of terror Range from 6x to 3x
- Huskar, Life Break CD increased a bit
- Bracer +1
- Null Talisman+3
- Wraith Band +3
- Zombie Soul Rip
-for ally transfer from 40% to 15%;
-for enemy each unit gets from 30% to 10% of his maxim HP
- Ember spirit, Searing chains DMG from 250.+50.*lvl to 50.+50.*lvl
- Obisdian Destroyer, Astral impriosment CD from 18/16/14/12 to 60/55/50/45
- Thinker, March of the machines DMG from 80/120/180/220 to 40/80/120/160
- Earth Shaker, Eco Slam DMG from 400/500/600 to 500/1000/1500
- Earth Shaker, Enchant totem DMG from 200/300/400/500% to 500/600/700/800%
- Rexar, Primal Roar DMG from 500/700/1000 DMG to 600/1200/1800
- Enigma Black Hole CD to 190/170/150
- Enigma Demonic Conversion minions DMG to 30/40/50/60
- Scorpion King Sand Storm DMG from 300/400/500/600 to 100/150/200/250
- Scorpion King Burow strike from DMG *3 to DMG *2
- Ogre Ignite DMG from 120/140/160/180 to 40/60/90/130
- Ogre FireBlast DMG from 450/500/550/600 to (400/500/700/900)
- Night Elf Assasin Deadly Traction DMG from 200/300/400/500 to (200 +100 *lvl)
- Night Elf Assasin Fetter Of Moonring DMG from 120/180/240/310 to 300/500/700/900
- Night Elf Assasin Strangulation DMG from 250/300/370 to 300/500/700
- Night Elf Assasin Lady Phantom DMG from 250/350/450/550 to 200 +(100 *lvl)
- Pudge dismember DMG from 300/500/700 CD 160/140/120
- Pudge root DMG from 20*1 to 100*i
- Alchimist Unstable Concoction DMG from 500/600/700/800 to 400.+200.*lvl
- Bone Searing arrows DMG from 80/100/120/140 to (lvl *20) +20
- Furion Wrath CD from 90/60/60 to 140/130/120
- Gryphon Ryder Heart Strike FROM DMG*2 to DMG*1.5
- Jakiro Ulti CD from 60 to 180/160/140
- Trax Trueshot aura 20/30/40/50% DMG improved to 20/40/60/100
- Nerfed Enigma Midnight Pulse DMG
- Balanced Aphotic Shield: Decreased broke DMG
- Nerfed Aba Heal
- Nerfed Enigma Black Hole DMG
- Nerfed Leoric Hellfire Blast DMG
- Nerfed LeShrack Lighting Storm DMG
- Nerfed Gryphon Rider Heart Strike DMG
- Balanced Aphotic Shield: CD increased, but spell still slowly increases armor permanently
- Restored Enigma minions fix and Roshan multiboard icon
- Fixed Roshan draft
- Balanced Zombie Decay DMG from 220/300/360/400 to 60/120/180/280
- Decreased CD for illusion spells:
Conjure image from 60 to 16 sec
Ethereal Guards CD 40 to 12 sec
Phantom Investigation 40 to 15 sec
Balanced spells DMG:
-SK: Epicenter from 300 to 220
-Lycan: Howl from 250/300/350/400 to 75/100/150/200
-Pit Lord: Firestorm from 300 to 100
-Yurnero: Blade fury from 300/400/500/600 to 150/200250/300
-Enigma: Malefice from 250/300/350/450 to 50/150/200/250
-Akasa: Shadow strike 250/350/450/550 to 75/150/200/275
-Bane: Nightmare from 300/sec to 60/s; [6666 to 500]
-Visage: Soul Asumtion from 60/80/120/140 to 18/24/28/32
Fixed a crash error.