I had Zeus, I didn't give an alliance, (I don't have to) but since we are in the same team, I was flashing atropos when I give Zeus, but then his friend got in, on another hero, let's kick delmer and swore at me, I insulted his mother, but then someone kicks me and gives a ban to whom it did not concern... if I violated something in relation to this admin, he had the right to kick, but not ban, since I did not say anything to him, so I think that if there should be a ban, it should be through a complaint, and not because a friend asked to give it out (I repeat, although the stroke was not in the admin's address, and in the direction of his friend, who is sitting next to him by ip) when he is deservedly banned, I will not say a word, but there is a clear abuse of authority (judging by the chat of the game, he further asks for a ban invoker