The following ideas are design to make game more fun for players and add more balance so both teams have a chance to win and reinvent the game a little bit , kinda boring over the years :
1 . increase own creeps spot safe time from min 5 to min 10 , sometimes even you get good skills no time to farm cuz min 5 enemy come and they have early strong combos so farm over so no items so gg , even your team have strong late game skills (while keeping ff time at 6)
2. double the creeps spawn in all spots = more exp for both teams = more drops = more balance added just by both teams being able to make some acceptable level of items before going to fight enemies
3. disable spawn time for creeps in woods spots , as soon as u get far from creeps spot they spawn , more items faster level up for both teams , more balanced game , more fun for all players
4. disable gem and wards cooldown in shop
5. base/towers armor cd lowered to 2 min from 5 min
ill add more ideas gotta go sleep for work , please comment , add ideas , improve our experience , thanks