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Everything posted by eco

  1. The following ideas are design to make game more fun for players and add more balance so both teams have a chance to win and reinvent the game a little bit , kinda boring over the years : 1 . increase own creeps spot safe time from min 5 to min 10 , sometimes even you get good skills no time to farm cuz min 5 enemy come and they have early strong combos so farm over so no items so gg , even your team have strong late game skills (while keeping ff time at 6) 2. double the creeps spawn in all spots = more exp for both teams = more drops = more balance added just by both teams being able to make some acceptable level of items before going to fight enemies 3. disable spawn time for creeps in woods spots , as soon as u get far from creeps spot they spawn , more items faster level up for both teams , more balanced game , more fun for all players 4. disable gem and wards cooldown in shop 5. base/towers armor cd lowered to 2 min from 5 min ill add more ideas gotta go sleep for work , please comment , add ideas , improve our experience , thanks
  2. if possible (will require a bit of work) , put in spell description if is for mellee only so people know , sometimes i pick combo for range hero and with new map version some spells became just for melle only like cleave sven , void stun , mort ulti ....saves frustration for players and help new players too , thanks
  3. 1 . so , some ff others dont ff ....4/5 3/4 2/3 1/2 ff should count as full team ff and game ends there , that prevents many abuses as me as an example sometimes ff one time , team sleep and they cry later ff but i dont ff , bypass me or any other admin by counting 4/5 ff as full ff 2. were seasoned players we kinda know when is gg so put ff available in min 5 , in the safe time zone so dont spend another minute wanking around waiting for min 6 to ff
  4. sometimes (idk if always) u have lets say 0 mana and press magic stick...insta give you lets say 100 mana , but insta after reset to 0 , give you for a split second than takes it back , i noticed in recent maps , not sure if it happened before .
  5. so correct me if im wrong but !sd= stats supposed to be the value of a player ! ok , so 1 guy with 2 games and 0-20 score( biggest feeder ever) have god stats 4,05 sd and me with 20k games and 5,3-3.9 score = not feeder have 2,99 sd so i get 4 "pros" like that in team vs 3 normal guys with over 4k games and guess what , is a total waste of time no matter spells , because....o yes no balance i just have a 1v3 game while the pro in my team ofc was one with few games and god stats and useless ofc , so styla i mean to tell you this for a long time the statistic as they are now are not realistic here are few ideas what should matter on stats !sd : 1 . score thats the first cuz if a player have 10-5 score after 5000 games hes obviously a good player 2. number of games a player with feed stats like 4-5 and 5000 games beat every time a player with 6-2 score and 4 games , because hes better player ( experience matters) these are just 2 that i consider to be first criteria that should matter in a player stats but obviously other criteria can be taken into account . please guys who read this comment or message styla about your opinion on this matter , thanks
  6. idk if you can put heroes from other map in imba map , is a map called dota ai fun on epicwar.com . please check . there are some incredible new heroes there with spells some even better than any imba spel and those are just normal spells there in that map . to get those spells upgraded to imba level mean we get a whole new level of entertainment here because lets face it is a bit boring cuz you know already all heroes / spells . if possible to add some would be great for all , thanks
  7. anyone , including admins if they insult using words like idiot , stupid , ecock , or other low brain words gets auto muted for 10 min and cant be unmuted . that solve also admin insult reports by preventing them and get rid of the trouble of reporting , check proof and so on . this also get us to the unreacheable so far nice and fun game environment which all need , even many dont realise it. we come to play this game for fun not to get stressed , not to insult others or to get insulted by others . and even more , if a player gets auto muted 3 times in a day he gets muted for the rest of the day . would be nice if this apply to lobby too . will get some work to get a civilized bot here but we get there if we act on prevention and punish insult more than before . i hope this get to you my friends and you agree with my proposal . thanks and enjoy your day !
  8. when a hero have alche form on and is called by axe call spell it attacks axe ofc, but if meantime alche form cools off ,when hero back to normal shape/form all his items drop on the ground and kinda gg from that point on
  9. when we have void bash and attack multiple enemies ,if the enemy we press attack on is stunned, the attack automatically moves to other target leaving main one stunned but stop attacking it , unless you click again on it . would be nice to fix
  10. newbik kik teammates for autormk when he dont like spells , but since hes not eco he still have commands....well done guys
  11. best idea (would save all a lot of trouble, admins and players) please do if possible , every admin to have a personal deny list for lobby , and a command like !denylist add <name> , or !denylist remove <name> , and !denylist load , to load for current lobby...would be great for all . thanks
  12. eco


    We would be best friends in real life , i can feel it .....respect bro !
  13. eco


    brekbons , i denyed u , true , but i never disrespected you , and we need u here ure super player , there are loads of rats/nabs , we need a good player like you , please forgive me for denying you my friend , please ...thank you sir
  14. eco


    ma men i always liked and respected you ....nothing abt that , was coming from work too tired for imba honestly.....ofc im sorry and apologise....im banned now but is ok ....all good on the eastern front
  15. eco

    autormk abuse

    u got some points , i close gproxy sometimes when no point in playing so ye....balance is between us somewhere...sry if i (still)get angry sometimes...im made mainly of gama radioation like infinity stones so y im like raging fire
  16. eco

    autormk abuse

    whatever any of us post here should have only one purpose , not attacking one or the other , but improving overall all of us gaming experience and fairness ...
  17. eco

    autormk abuse

    well , im still here cuz i was unbaned , else i would filled my delete account request by now ....we had blood charge we were killing u like a machine gun....maybe is a nuance here not abuse but taking advantage of autormk....still if u had a bit of honor u would ff
  18. k , i have time now , so here it is....today i had last game dont know the game number or shit like that where i did my best , ofc we were losing i had 0-6 had necro sniper and our blue ursa was angry hes losing , keep pinging everybody than at the end he was pinging just me cuz i stay base area near where creeps start to avoid feed , all lanes were lost and we all die on sight he just didnt ff cuz he was so smart and good combo ursa aba...so i bet he reported me and one admin seeing eco ofc ban straight away...as i had a shistory of afk base destroy items flaming leaving as admin , bla bla...all true except one little tiny thing ...i didnt do shit this fuking game so im fuking tired of being targeted by angry players or admins who dont give a fuck about the facts ,they just see eco and ye hes guilty....guilty my fuking ass , i lost my patience 100 years ago....so as a result my dear friends i asked kindly styla to unban me or delete all my accounts starting with eco.....i dont need stress or crap , i play for enjoynment and yes i did stupid bannable crazy things in the past , thats an absolute truth , but im sorry to tell you people change , players too...losing sucks in a game , even worst is when you have very good /perfect combo and still lose that hurt as fuk , i know....and some people just dont give up even when last throne tower falls....keeping other players in a long lost game , thats fuking antigame too....i cant leave , i cant feed anymore so i must wait cuz some idiot with good spells defends even when throne is left with 1 hp....so ye imba became kinda source of stress almost more than a source of fun....and when finnaly today i was banned based on a report on a angry player who lost with good combo without doing nothing antigame , not destroying items , not afk , was trying my best , slark enemy was admin forgot name was killing us right out of base all at once he had cent slark and stun....so thats it.....i get unban and admins stop ban me on sight cuz i play careful now to avoid bans and look into it a bit before ban me based on idiots reports or have a lovely day my dear fellows and im out forever !!! (to those who read till end , lot of love )
  19. eco

    autormk abuse

    just finished a game where mercury and senzatie were enemies...they kicked 3 players one by one until autormk even was min 4 so they could ff .....end autormk shit please so let rats who cant take a defeat just fuking leave
  20. hes losing like a rat and hes kicking one of my member who keep hooking them , after he check his alliases and the guy didnt had any other account , hulk say is fake with 200 games....my ass is fake....the guy can learn from lod or normal imba as he was hooking mostly....this bot became a real shyt....is loads of nabs who ruin games or admins abuse
  22. leavers should be not banned , if a player leave im happy he give up i beat him , why ban , should be free game , ban should be just mh , antigame and so on but no leaving . leaving is a free choice of every player , give him that . release the players from the prison " i cant leave cuz i get banned " . no more rage , flaming , wasting time afk or unplug your net connection just simply use your natural right to leave game as a kind of early or unipersonal "FF" . please all who read this leave a comment and a final sugestion for Styla :why not try for a while no ban leaving see how it is . thanks
  23. copy invis keep blocking me when i chased furion get me killed and no atacking enemy....so thats why i baned him antigame....maybe not 100% deserved but is unbaned now so is ok....anyfuking way ill try no ban or kik no one just enjoy myself playing...thanks all for patience
  24. y many new players unbulievable good playing ..
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