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G Kay

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G Kay last won the day on August 6 2024

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  1. I have a suggestion, not sure how it would best be implemented but there needs to be some method to remove admin from a game. 3 games in a row tonight ECO cry then afk at base, we couldn't ff any game even though everyone else did !ff as he goes to base and sulks like baby and refuse to play or ff... He has been doing this for a long time. I think anyone below super admin should not be immune to !vk as they ruin games on purpose. Or if any level admin afk for 1min or put patrol on then they are not immune to !vk Too many games ruined by noobs like eco who cry within first 5min and ruin game. Also !vk should be available from min 1 as so many TERRIBLE players especially in early EU time. 
  2. Tiny with dmg red skill and 4500 HP dead in 2 seconds? What thats stupid and it lasts on the ground for like 30 seconds...
  3. Kinda ruins it if you use pit lord ult and it casts freezing field as you tp so it doesn't work and the CD is wasted.. i think it also happens on charge of darkness.
  4. agreed the dmg is too high
  5. It's 1 shot when direct cast on hero
  6. Abbas aphotic shield perma stacks creating ridiculous armor ruining games again
  7. Thunderfury does not proc/work on towers with windrunner. It works on heroes though. I'm not sure yet if windrunner or others as only seen in one game.
  8. 1 shotting a lot of hero, far too strong
  9. Ignore my post below this, it's banes nightmare that's ridiculous, last 2 games admin leave and people ff min 6 because of it / other bugs
  10. There is a bug that sometimes lets you take 4 regular skills and 1 ultimate instead of 3 reg + 2 ult. But when you select your hero one of the regular skills is missing so you are left without 1 ultimate. I have attached screenshot, it happened with this combo, but i've seen it happen with other skills. I don't know what specifically allowes it, as if you have selected 3 skills it normally says you cannot select more.
  11. if you are to allow this then you need to make linken sphere block furion as currently maeldict + spectre + furion is still working and 1 shot crazy, at least make linken stop furion or block combo
  12. If abba ult is active you should always heal any damage, but if you attack bm it kills you, that's not how abba ult should work.
  13. Just had a game and this ultimate even at max level is terrible, does basically no dmg and is now useless.
  14. This bug is terrible, you cast rhasta snakes ultimate then if you use hex, all snakes disappear... that should not happen.
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