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SpeakMeBanzay last won the day on November 30 2020

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  1. hello admin! banned me again !? why? i started the game after 2 minutes! i had another 1 minute job! again this admin has banned me! can i play Let's be men!

    1. SpeakMeBanzay


      wehaveahulk this admin! why again give me bad?! why why ???? pps Let's be men! just let's be men!

  2. hello can i play imba bro? (wehaveahulk) this admin won't let me play! When I enter the game, he kicks (! deny)! in general I got man (wehaveahulk) I started playing imba! Let's be human! let's be honest!

    1. wehaveahulk


      you called me idiot 2 times... why would i let someone play that insults me?

    2. SpeakMeBanzay


      First of all, I didn't call you crazy! secondly you banned me then you removed the ban! Why? then I told him you were crazy! then when I entered the game you gave me (! deny) out of the game! Let's be men!

    3. wehaveahulk


      u broke the rules of farming 2 x 3. i unbanned you because i wanted to ban you properly with a reason as i did so without a reason before.... so next time DONT BREAK RULES!!!!!!!

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