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Everything posted by serb.arxangel

  1. its easy 2/3 and thats it....before min 5 wher you start stay ther ...or risk kick/ban...your chice
  2. the rules are simple if you go wher 2 creps spawn you stay ther till min 5 you can change if you ask and they say ok if not stay wher you started to farm ..and talk nice or next time ban from forun ...
  3. and whers abuse ? how i see here you falme...and pick 1 acc and play with most games...
  4. look if you ask nice to unban i do that but when you say like that +2 days mate
  5. dl gproxy...and ther is a cfg file ther you change all....dl and folow instructions
  6. its a restart...of server ...whas some testing ....
  7. mate ingamero is the bot that is the bot not players....maybe whas a restart of server os something
  8. can you tell me who that is ?????and how they throw all out ?
  9. write me names and game links and if they broke rules they get punishmant...no 1 is imune....
  10. there are penalties lose commands kick ...ban and so on ....put print or game link proof and they will get punishment
  11. future? woods or base but the same thing ...if a player destroys items its a ban reson but i give him a warn first next time he destroy ban.....thats how i do it
  12. this is not spaming area.... if you whona discussion do so not spaming pictures....
  13. https://ingame.ro/files/file/14-gproxy-ingamero/
  14. get ingame proxy
  15. if scores are ok then he can swap ....
  16. y ban....
  17. do report and i will see log if you didnt insult or any thing eals i will ban them all ....
  18. we are ther for that ....
  19. make unban request
  20. screen shot and game link and will see wehat we can do
  21. put a \ on the end of the wc3 game path
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