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Everything posted by nofuruct

  1. I have missed the gamestart. Why tf to start 4x4 game when 40 people online is the separate discussion. In addition after I came to first spot someone started blinking on me also. Moreover kicking 1 from 4 players in first minutes of the 4x4 game means that the person doesnot understand how it works. Or he just had bad skills and wanter to rmk faster. Frantel is the second worst admin after wehavehulk...
  2. https://ingame.go.ro/index.php?/Stats/RecentGames/&do=single&id=295392 why am I again with this baby-boy in the same team?
  3. Ban for no reason https://www.ingame.ro/index.php?/Stats/RecentGames/&do=single&id=294180
  4. Another example https://www.ingame.ro/index.php?/Stats/Appeal/View/3035/ WTF even this comment says ?! OMG LOL
  5. @Ady_Imba where is it described that one can be banned because he does not want to write !ff? It was many times that team wins the game even after 4 of 5 wrote ff. Besides one player disconnected and no sense to write ff. You will not get 1 ff until he is dropped. Of course when you are crying hysteric baby with admin permission you are able to kick everyone and ban everyone. Take control over your rage, child.
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