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Евгений Подорожний

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  1. oss.mimya.net/download/IMBA_20052_b1.rar Use last Imba Mimya map all -ar/sd bugs fix some bugs + -ak/hfbb added spells hero can be do translate ch-eng add LOD-pick spell fix rearm + some ult aghanim spell. roshan. up towers added more many new heros and spells
  2. ult nevermore and slardar 2 skil too
  3. 1 Puck 2 Silens mmm? crit 3 Yurnero use agi +%crit Buriza - lvl+%crit refraction - remove hex tree eyes - delete spell(make desinc) and use owl tree etc
  4. It does not work on 1,26a patch on 1,27a rare bug since v2.0++ gives 4 skill instead of 5.
  5. some balans fix Add gem cd stockregen -->300 function SaleGem takes nothing returns nothing local integer id=GetItemTypeId(GetSoldItem()) local unit u=GetBuyingUnit() local player p=GetOwningPlayer(u) local unit s=GetSellingUnit() if GetItemTypeId(GetSoldItem())=='I04D' then call RemoveItemFromStock(s,'I04D') set s=GetHandleId(s) call AddItemToStock(s,'I04D',1,1) endif endfunction
  6. Some spell have 0 mancost morf medusa/balanar ult and can uses medusa 1 skill medusa 1 add manacost 1 lvl or remove mana zone indictor -1000000000 etc
  7. Add visibliti on minimap roshan unitui H900 hideOnMinimap del and make limit roshan SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed etc /////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 warlock - block heal aba ult 4 bs - byeback/teleport in lag 0.25s and deathnot dispel on death this spell //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AI new neutrals. spawn zones Main dev so stupid. returned changes make me: doom lvl creep lvl 2 and 3 lvl abi gnoll poision MakePermanent morf abi etc zoom camera dager trent ward sell Quelling Blade else http://www.epicwar.com/maps/260379/ and broke zeus bolt haha
  8. or AddLightning checkVisibility - false
  9. Arclight you can see in the fog change the Fiery Soul effect simple
  10. Zeus ultimate Zeus ultimate aghanim fix dmg/text or make not block linkin sphere if you have aghanim
  11. Simple illusions not create
  12. Dager fix on ilusion if IsUnitType(s,UNIT_TYPE_HERO)==false or IsUnitIllusion(s)==false or J then change to if IsUnitType(s,UNIT_TYPE_HERO)==false or IsUnitIllusion(s)==true or J then Bug rod of ilusion. If hero have magic immune bkb/repel the illusion of a rune / skill 2 terrorblade not create. Possible targets fix. "reptm" -> 1 hero cd on pick remove can see on 2.5.9 imba 3 skill Broodmother work on ward Rasta/Venom/VD 1 skill BroodMother work on ilusion add hp/armor/size TXD ultimate critical erorr Wave Morf/Wild Axe/Ultimate Storm Panda same order 3 skill Lina function MMMN_NMNM takes nothing returns boolean if GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677382 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677623 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677392 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093679450 or(GetUnitPointValue(GetTriggerUnit())==500 and MNMNM_M(GetSpellAbilityId()))then Remove GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677382 and etc that would work for all spell Ultimate Bristleback function NMMNN_MM takes nothing returns boolean local boolean b=GetSpellAbilityId()==1093683024 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093682775 or(GetUnitPointValue(GetTriggerUnit())==500 and MNMNM_M(GetSpellAbilityId())) too Pit Lord Ult create some lag create dammy add/cast abiliti based on 2 skill Doom Bringer
  13. Wave Morf/Wild Axe/Ultimate Storm Panda одинаковый приказ забань одновременный пик 2 спелов function MMMN_NMNM takes nothing returns boolean if GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677382 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677623 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093677392 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093679450 or(GetUnitPointValue(GetTriggerUnit())==500 and MNMNM_M(GetSpellAbilityId()))then Убери проверку, пускай все скилы активируют 3 скилл лины а не только родные. Аналогично с ультом бристла function NMMNN_MM takes nothing returns boolean local boolean b=GetSpellAbilityId()==1093683024 or GetSpellAbilityId()==1093682775 or(GetUnitPointValue(GetTriggerUnit())==500 and MNMNM_M(GetSpellAbilityId())) Ульта питлорда вызывает лаги. Возьми за основу 2 скил дума и кастуй его даммиком.
  14. Критует ульта TXD выйдя за край карты(низ).
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